[IDEA] New Classes

Hello Team,

I have three new masteries in the planning stages. Right now, my time limits me to some Grim Dawn play and a little
bit of creative thinking and not much time with the mod tools. I am looking for a modder to help me implement these
masteries into something playable.

I call dibs on the following creative ideas. Should you desire to take these ideas as your own, please ask.

The Spiritmaster:
I am struggling to build a pet hybrid. Spreading bonuses between person and pet leaves much to be desired.
So why not a mastery that supports a player+pet combo? I modeled this idea from the DAoC spiritmaster class.
Story - Possibly another subclass of Death’s Vigil or something new.
Spirit Diming - this spell line offers direct damage (cold?) spells, including a lifetap(vit?) and aoe spell.
Spirit Suppression - this line would include unique debuffs and Gloom Wave, an aoe sleep spell for cc.
Spirit Summoning - rather than split person/pet bonuses, how about a short duration pet based on character bonuses
(similar to shaman’s primal spirit)? Pet models could be based on the current spirit/ghost mobs.
And exclusive skills to support a melee or caster build.
Challenge: Making it unique and not just a warder/trickster/druid knock off.

The Stranger:
I love my retaliation warder. The lack of offensive abilities and slow clearing speeds lead me to create a hybrid.
The offensive line of this class would be based on 1h weapons if used as the primary attack. Or the passives and
defensive skills could mesh well as a support line for another class.
Story - With the Cult’s rituals and the Aetherials rifts, the fabric of reality has been weakend between worlds. The
stranger does not know how he/she arrived in Cairn and rift travel seems to have left them with a memory gap.
Precision Strike - 1h offensive line. Deeper investment may include debuffing and increasing damage and crit.
Lowtech Upgrades - Using local implements to improve survivability and default attack modifiers including an aoe strike.
This then leads to Hitech Upgrades - regaining some memories allows access to some systems.
Active retaliation buffs or auras with different damage types and effects.
Passives including Superhuman Reflexes - to increase dodge/defense.
Active skills with high mana drain or short duration - Superhuman Speed - movement and attack speed buff.
Hint - Soldier + Stranger = Cyborg?
Challenge: Again, making it unique and not just a warder. And finding the hybrid sweet spot so the class is not OP.

The Alchemist:
I’d like to see more done with acid and 2h range.
Story - With no magical affinity or formal training, trial and error has lead the alchemist to develope their own
“magic.” The alchemist does not know the nature of his/her power, only that part A + part B = desired effect.
I haven’t worked out any prelim skills for this class yet other than some of the skills could behave like the
original nightblade skill that had a chance for various effects.
Challenge: Make it unique and not just an acid version of demo.

Feel free to critique these ideas or point out any similarities to existing classes or ideas. Thanks!