Idea: new loot drop "Cookies"

(i got this idea after reading a thread that mentions PvP builds in the Arena. one of my favorite mini-things in the game)

i keep seeing all these threads where people theory craft different builds. then test them out. there is even a entire forum section dedicated to it. it is part of a controversy that has been going around for a long time. the first i remember hearing the back and forth on it was when Diablo 2 was still going strong. of people just looking up Cookie Cutter builds and using them. it’s the bane of pretty much every game where builds can be done, and plenty of other games as well

so i was thinking people really like this. maybe not me, but plenty of people do. so why not give them a drop to honor their way of playing. the Cookie. each Cookie acts as a recipe. that when unlocked gives full access to a pre-built character build. all the items equipment is locked down. can’t be traded or such. a person can either craft the Cookie at the forge and equip it, if they are the right level. or it could possibly be a option at the character select screen to create a character based on a specific Cookie

I actually like the latter the best. as it would make the game more accessible to casual players. A assortment of basic Cookies could be available from the very start. with more being earned as they progress through the game

it could also give a payout to certain extremely dedicated hardcore players. as there characters or builds could be potentially have their own in game Cookies. plus allow less hard core players to more easily play with those Cookies and see if there is some optimization or other they could make; that was missed or patched in

i think this would be a strong contribution to the game. adding lots of fun and play value for a wide section of the player base. so please, they already exist. can Cookies now be a official part of Grim Dawn?

Just imagine it the “Better Batter Baking DLC”