So since we’ve been on the discussion of graphics regarding the whole lighting/camera change fiasco, it actually got me thinking what kind of graphical improvements Grim Dawn could get. And one thing that immediately stood out was weather. To me, the current weather that shows up while playing the game is somewhat lackluster, and I can think of two changes that would significantly benefit the atmosphere of Grim Dawn.
More Intensive storms and weather.
While I’m not sure most people share my sentiment regarding this, I do believe that the current rain storms/blizzards in the game are both not nearly as frequent as it should be and not as intensive. Whenever a thunderstorm does show up, it feels more like a drizzle with the occasional flashes of light. I would love to see larger more intensive rain effects with actual loud booming sounds of thunder. Similar deal with blizzards, currently I’m not even sure if blizzards are implemented at all, because when there is any snowfall at all, it just seems like that same drizzle turned to snow. It would be cool to have moments where heavy snow flies by your screen with the sounds of strong winds passing by. -
Randomized weather when loading into the game.
I always found it weird how every time your character loads into Devils Crossing, its always the same sunny morning that greets you. I think it would add a bit of spice to the game if whenever you first start a game session, random weather would occur. So for one moment you start out with a slightly grey and cloudy weather, and another with rain pouring down on your head. It will especially help add some variety for people like me who still do Fabius runs who are going to reset the game session every five minutes anyway.
So, those are my two suggestions regarding weather, what do you guys think? Do you also have any weather suggestions for the game?