So i have a problem with Idle farmers that say they are Unable to work with my crops being “Failed to begin planting”
I’m having exactly the same issue. I’ve been through the fields and assigned the maximum workers for each one and they still stand around saying they are unable to work. I’ve tried restarting my game, moving the jobs I want them to do in the crop rotation page but nothing works.
the wierd thing is that they are able to collect wax and honey but both fields just wont be used for some reason, very annoying as my village is having big food problems rn and im kinda being stunlocked until a fix or solution
Same issue for me. We have no one chopping trees and everyone saying idling - unable to work.
A bit more on this. Just started a new town in v0.7.3 and got a field up and running. Sorted out the crop rotation and as soon as I did the farmers were idling, yet there were still beans that got harvested at the end of the season. Changed the 2nd rotation to start with peas and again the farmers have gone into the field, but are saying they’re idle - yet peas are planted and growing.
Haven’t seen the “Failed to begin planting” message.
Yep, they harvested all the peas.
Okay, looks like they may be planting very quickly and then going idle. Planted clover and then just wandering around again.
My farms are just in the same state they were left and my farmers only care about 3 bee hives
Haven’t put any apiaries up yet, but I’ve read of the problem.
I have the same issue as well. I saved and reloaded and they still won’t plant. I continue to get the idle crops message.
I get the same issue. No apiaries, but the famers will just stop farming and I’ll get the “failed to plat” notice. Saving and reloading seems to stop the issue for a while.
I have restarted at a few spots. I have been able to get it down to 2 of my four farms producing, so half of my 8 assigned villagers are doing nothing year round. I only have one apiary.
I have trouble just making them to “build” the field - they refuse to work on it, seems like they do it just for a bit and prefer to to other things - like picking honey. I have the field set to high priority, but it takes years to build. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?
had the same problem with wood/stone mining but managed to work around it with the worker camp
My farmers seem to always stop farming at some point, resulting in the “failed to begin planting” prompt every year. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Check that you have 1/1 in harvesters (top-right corner of the interface with the crops rotation).
I missed a year of harvest (and work) because it showed 0/1 (a bug that should be corrected in version 0.7.3 if I understood correctly).
I have just had this same issue - all my farms are now stuck believing they have a crop part way through completion and so get the “failed to begin planting” for everything else. I am in the process of removing all crop rotations and workers and then re-adding them to see if this fixes the bug.
I just ran into the same problem. I saved the game, exited to main menu and reloaded which resolved the issue for this season. Haven’t tested if it’s resolved for future seasons.
I cleared and redid my farms as well as saved and reloaded and they seem to be working again so something worked! Likely the reload as it did for Warhh
So I had this, I just saved, quit to main menu, then reloaded and suddenly my farms were fixed, houses upgraded, trees grew, food appeared in storage and 2 raids appeared. It looks like if the game runs too long it starts to desync (?) But yeah, reloading fixed it.
I have the opposite issue? Sometimes my fields get worked and crops get planted and don’t see any farmers on the field at all. The dissonance is hard to look past.
We have a fix for this in internal testing and coming ASAP in v0.7.4.