If anything i do feel this game's Boss mechanic telegraph could be alot better

Too much flashy effects at once on screen, making worse by the fact every animation is quite minimal, especially for dangerous bosses such as Zantarin, Fabius etc, their animation is really hard to see when everything is going on at once in the screen. I know some people might disagree but when you are in a party with pets, the entire screen is constantly on fire and exploding, then youre dead and doesn’t even know what killed you.

I feel like this is where taking some examples from Path of exiles would be really good, bosses such as Shaper, Dominis, Aztari queen etc, all their one shot mechanics very well displayed on screen even if you play the most absurd lag inducing special effect build. The screen feels a lot cleaner and thus mechanics easier to anticipate. This means death doesnt feel cheap or out of no where, you know exactly what hits you because it is shown better on the screen, and teaches you what to do next time.

If you’re talking about Shaper of Flesh, he does telegraph his attacks. Sure I died three times to his frontal orb splitting attack before I figured it out, doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. 2nd and 3rd phase attacks are all well telegraphed.

Yes, some of the old bosses are not so, or have very quick animations, but many of those abilities are not lethal.

Im talking about this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQNdlVv9re0

See even the MINIBOSSES from Path of Exile shaper fights have very clear mechanics. The mechanics are clearcut, visible and highly dodgeble. Makes each fight much more exciting and feels less cheap when you die to them.

Zantarin imo needs a fix, i dont care if he has more ability or more health, give me the animation or the cues, not a wave of hand and my 2.9k DA 80% resist char dies under 1 mili-second due to shotgun.

Shaper of Flesh’ orb attacks in 2nd and 3rd phase come out really fast if you’re standing on the side of arena. Now whether or not to count it on the player to stand in the middle is another question.

With right resist, none of his attacks except bullet hell or slam is an instant death, and they are obvious enough that you have literally 3 seconds to step out of the zone of death.

Compare that with Zantarin, a wave of his hand and the projectile didnt even come out, dead.

Zantarin can reduce your Vitality Resistance. Are you sure you overcapped your Vitality Resistance enough to stay at cap all the time against him? Because for me, he isnt a threat at all, cause all my resists are heavily overcapped.

I feel the same way, quite often I’ll be grinding away and all of a sudden I’m dead lol but I haven’t played this game enough to know what bosses do what etc

I’ve been told that his shotgun does health reduction, so vitality resistance does nothing against it does it?

Also it seems the crucible version is a tad more insane than ultimate Zantarin nemesis