If you had to start over - Round II

Okay, I am actually going to try this but first going to do it on software. I only have one HC character and I still feel like I’m going to have a heartattack on that character every time I log in. So baby steps. :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: So I started. The journey. I posted it on the Reddit forum. It’s proving very interesting to say the least. I may copy the whole thing into a thread on the official forums once I’m further into the journey.

90% of my runs are occultists :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to smack/pewpew things down now.

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Okay, so I’ve been doing this challenge now (well, on softcore, so consider me like a kid brother :D) but I have just got to ask, what the hell are you doing for attributes and equipment. trying to qualify for just about anything at a given level (i’ve just hit lvl 31) has been proving a major pain in the ass. lol. If I get enough specs in physique for stuff then I can kiss anything with a spirit or cunning requirement goodbye and vice versa interchange how you will. How’re you handling this?

Juggling items with attribute bonuses around. It’s a major pain. Keep an eye on those that give hefty bonuses to spirit and put them aside. The will come in handy later on. Most of your points will go into physique no matter how you juggle it though.

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I’ve mentioned somewhere before that chaos damage is the best way to go for classless builds. Would you agree?

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@Contragor Yeah, okay, then that’s exactly what my experience has been telling me. I thought I might just be missing something but no, that’s the way it is when you don’t get a mastery bar. :smiley:

@sir_spanksalot absolutely and I read that thread. I’ve been dropping crap for chaos support but I am saving it and keeping my eye out to see what does drop and I may certainly respec into that. Just on the off chance, my post above has a link to the journal I’m keeping of sorts. TL:DR it’s been fun but ooooohhhh so slow and tedious. :smiley:

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I’ll read it mate. Glad to see you’re enjoying this!

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Well, ‘enjoy’ is sort of painful in this case. So I think my masochism streak needs to be set on high given I’ve just hit level 31 and still have more than 2/3 to go. :flushed: And I greatly appreciate all the help.

title of your sex tape

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Twinked? Maybe. Untwinked? I go by what I find. Currently fire/burn but only because I got no gear for anything else at the moment. If I had the nemesis relic and seal of night, would go cold/pierce in an instant. Endgame? The problem is, I can’t really farm any good areas. It’s really fun though. A single blueprint can change the entire build.

Actually, I’d love to see a pet classless build! Where’s Maya?!


I will second this a thousand times.

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Problem with Classless Pets would mostly be finding RR.

Oh right, also finding stuff to bind devotions to…


Don’t ask how it will perform…

MI Pantsu version with more emphasis on pet Aether/Chaos res: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/1NXmQWB2

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You should definitely test it! I keep getting a lot of pet gear now, almost begging to respec. My only worry is the toughness both the char and pets. Probably gonna stick to what I have now. If I manage to beat this challenge, will then try pets. It should add quite a bit of spice to the journey!

No, I mean don’t ask because it will suck… hard…

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1: Wouldn’t try all skills in a class on one character.
Specializing/synergizing damage types between the pairing makes things substantially easier, and you’ll get cool loot as you go for builds to try out.

2: I… honestly have no idea.
Necromancer? Because holy crap I have a lot of characters with it.

3: Crucible/SR.
Loot is pretty good out of it, but a ‘how hard/far can I go’ seems like something to do after I’ve at least managed level cap on a guy.


Hello Contragor. First of all, I have to thank you for your classless achievements. They continue to inspire this noob player to keep pushing the Hardcore classless struggle forward, building and dying and building and dying, ah the epic struggle, but there is no greater high in this game than the thrill of Hardcore combat as a classless build!!! I look to you, and others, as examples that it can be done, and I will never stop playing this way now- I cant! The normal way is just. Not punishing enough. I am conditioned to the abuse of Hardcore classless now. I cant ever go back to the way I was before :disappointed_relieved:

I made a lore driven classless build a while back, dedicated to @Maya actually. Yes it died quite early… But I had a ton of fun with it, and have linked the post below;