If you had to start over - Round II

Inspired by @DraxRifter, I wanted to create this thread to get a sense of common mistakes players have made so that others may avoid them. I might compile the information from these 2 threads into my levelling guide (if @draxrifter is agreeable to that).

So without further ado…

  1. What wouldn’t you do?
  2. What’s the last class you’d pick?
  3. What would be the last goal you’d ever set for yourself?


  1. Play Crucible
  2. Inquisitor
  3. Play Crucible
  1. I wouldn’t try to go too fast nor force myself to go too fast. There is so much there that taking things and fully exploring every nook and cranny helps with so much.
  2. Tough because I have something I like about all of them but if I was forced to pick I’d say Deceiver. I have a healing Deceiver but it was one of the very last characters I ever leveled. Super hard to play and really only good for multiplayer.
  3. Last goal? Calladagra. That bitch.
  1. I wouldn’t play hardcore for sure and probably will want to complete all quests in FG zone instead of rushing.

  2. Soldier for sure.

  3. Beat Superboss(auto correcttion say Superfluff :smile:) cause I never ever have done it.

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I’ll throw in my 2 cents worth:

  1. I wouldn’t play it so safe. I’ve found that taking unnecessary risks, and playing “recklessly” really helps me to learn the limits of a build, and the unique dangers posed by each enemy. Sure, it might slow my levelling process in the short run, but it’ll pay off greatly.

  2. I wouldn’t pick the pyromancer (which was the first character I ever built).

  3. The last goal I’d set for myself is “clearing all content on my first spec.” That only set me up for disappointment

  1. Nothing, if you play softcore just go yolo.
  2. Arcanist.
  3. Kill all the maggots of entertainment.
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  1. Play Hardcore.
  2. Any pure pet build. (Sorry @Maya …)
  3. Play MP to trade heavily for duped gear and weapons.
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  1. Hardcore. Still haven’t played it now.

  2. Occultist

  3. Mogdrogen


Imagine not leveling with transmuted DEE, Bloody Pox, and CoF and then transitioning into dank Vitality builds with zero gear.

  1. Gimp myself when levelling to prove that my build is beginner friendly from 1 to 100. Gimping included not using legendaries when levelling at all, for example.

  2. I’ve started over with Battlemage earlier this month, so I guess there’s no such thing. I’d avoid pets as a playstyle though, since I easily get bored when levelling them.

  3. SR on hardcore, as high as possible.

Uh oh. You’re in for it now. :laughing:

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  1. Hardcore/Excessive Crucible
  2. Oathkeeper
  3. Super Bosses

But why, I like pets. Medium rare. :cut_of_meat:

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That’s a tough one actually…

I wouldn’t rush through the game and I wouldn’t neglect side quests because faction reputation is actually important and side quests help getting to Honored (for the 1st faction boost paper thingy) faster.

Saboteur or Defiler, hard to decide

Killing Superbosses - still haven’t done it to this day (Lokarr kinda doesn’t count, I guess)

Just started over a week or two ago, classless hardcore, - the most fun experience I’ve ever had in 5k hours of playing GD. Can’t recommend it enough. Really feels like hardcore now, when you have to go by what you find. Every blueprint, every iron bit, every cheap component is important. Every step, every fight can be your last. Makes you go to the deepest math of procs, skills and mechanics, squeezing the last bit out of the available synergies, while maintaining balance between survivability and damage. I think this game is meant to be played classless untwinked, but only after you have made a few dozen fully decked builds and explored everything in the realm of Cairn.


I love that response mate, but I might keep it out of the levelling guide coz I don’t think newbies would appreciate that advice :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, definitely not for new players.

  1. Skip lore while playing campaign.
  2. Occultist
  3. Play HC.
