I'm so excited

I can’t believe I just found out about this! Titan Quest is one of my favorite games ever. It is the best game ever in the “Diablo” genre, and I was extremely sad when Iron Lore shut down. I have always felt that TQ deserves a proper sequel, and I can’t believe it is actually happening!

Needless to say I will be contributing a pre-order as soon as I can find the money. I feel bad for Iron Lore going under and I want to support the team so it doesn’t happen again. I have no doubt that this will be an amazing game. This team knows what they’re doing!

I haven’t been so excited since Diablo 3 was announced. I can’t wait to hear more about this game. I really liked the developers’ words in one of the interviews where they talked about Diablo 3 and the action-RPG genre. This is one of my favorite genres, and I would love to see it revitalized. The more games, the better; I’ll buy them all! Bring them on.

And downloadable content and expansions are a brilliant idea! I can’t wait to hear more about this game. I’m so excited.

Recent games like Torchlight are good for the genre but another game from THIS team is a guaranteed classic! TQ has always been the cream-of-the-crop, to me.

You’re about the lose control and you think you like it?

Heya! Welcome home.

Welcome to the forums!

Tell us how did you find out about Grim Dawn anyway?

WELCOME! Enjoy your stay ;)!

Yeah, actually I am about to lose control. With both Diablo 3 and now Grim Dawn to look forward to, how can I not? And I definitely like it.

LOL… I just recently started playing TQ again and I was downloading TQDefiler. The guy behind TQDefiler is spreading the news about Grim Dawn on his site. If it weren’t for that, I might never have heard about it.

I’ve been telling people for years that TQ deserved a proper sequel and that it was a shame that Iron Lore went under. Finding out about Grim Dawn is kind of like… umm… finding out that Santa Claus is real after all when you thought he was fake? Or something like that.

Glad you found your way here :slight_smile:

Haha wow - the enthusiasm of fans like you is what makes this all worthwhile!

I guess we owe one to SoulSeekkor :wink:

It sure in hell’s beats the craptastic churning of the MMO over flooded market and the communities are much better in my opinion (here for an example). Welcome to the boards even if I am new as well :smiley: