Im Still Saying That GD Need Movement Skills To Be Introduced In Game

up! same idea in other post…

I don’t think this is really true at all. Even super old rpgs from the 80s and 90s had skill based elements that some people did better than others. Plus I would argue a good rpg has good mechanics, story and statistical systems. It can’t just be driven by stats, that would be boring as hell.

Yeah exactly. I don’t think dodges and rolls specificly should be implemented, but there’s always been a degree of player skill in ARPG games. Even taking out abilities, kiting is one such skill.

Something like blitz being able to be used without targeting as a charge, or perhaps a teleport skill, or jump skill, would only benefit the game IMO. Maybe it’s not possible with the current engine, or it’s not part of the devs vision, which is quite alright. We don’t have to agree on everything.

I feel like more ways to move through and interact with the environment would benefit the gameplay of GD a great deal. It shouldn’t have to be anything crazy either. A small leap, an untargeted charge (for a limited amount of time), moving while attacking, something like that. Keep it simple.

Another thing that slows the gameplay down is the difference in radius in casting certain spells. I mean, some spells if you cast them too far away, the character has to walk towards the place and then cast. With others that’s not the case. I don’t get what contributed to that. Also, some spells you can cast while moving, others the character stops, stands still, then cast it. I don’t see the logic behind which was chosen why, so I guess it’s an engine thing.

On another note, I thought about a skill the other day like a whirlwind spell that lifts groups in the air and damage them for a certain duration.