Hello There! It is me again with another immortal build based around the idea of having 100% block chance and recovery. As with my past build i’ve found out that this does indeed mean that the shield blocks every time with no cooldowns.
This time i went wild with the spellscourge set and tried out many varieties of this build. Turns out this was my greatest success defense wise but… To be honest from the beginning the damage side though… it is worse than what a level 20 can dish out. This build was my greatest triumph and greatest failure. Wanted to share it though as it was still interesting and maybe some of you can make it into a viable solo tank.
So this time we are doing the battlemage combination of soldier and arcanist. I can’t highlight the defensive properties enough as some of them actually feel overkill considering the rest of the build but the whole idea was based around something that doesn’t even take damage… So, here is the build!
I’ve actually had multiple varieties of this build and settled with forcewave since it has most cc potential but as said damage is lacking. Pretty much the points in forcewave can be rearranged with however you feel like since that was the main extra the build has that isn’t necessary for the shield functions.
Pros and cons
Pros would definetly be these points:
Resistances capped and some overcapped.
Health regen per second at best around 750~.
Armor standing at around 5600~.
Health 12.4k. It is not much but with the other stats it is lovely.
And the biggest thing of all… When overguard is on you have a constant 11.8k shielding. If i am not mistaken then not even the toughest baddies in grim dawn hit over 12k constantly in rapid fire so… Virtually there is nothing that can damage you.
Cons on the other hand are numerous aswell…
Biggest issue is that this build doesn’t have much retaliation in it or damage, at best when tested i reached around 25k on single hit.
Does not provide lifesteal protection so bosses that have insane lifesteal (looking at you kubacabra) will ruin your day as the fight is an endless standstill.
Boring to play most of the time if you are alone.
Immortal even at times when you don’t want to be immortal (made a stress test with properly using all abilities, just rotating them around while sitting in the kill zone of crucible… the green stuff didn’t kill me so i eventually gave up and it took it about 10-15 minutes to die there while using just overguard).
If you need a tank for your team that has no issue taking the hits of the biggest baddies in game then this is for you but you need to have a team full of proper glasscannons or fighters that won’t manage to steal the agro from you. It is functioning only as a meat shield for a team and nothing more unfortunately.
Other notes
Thank you for reading this far and if you are interested I will be releasing soon one more build that is based around the block immortality. After that i will be making a detailed guide on how to properly achieve this in game and what it needs though i am pretty sure people will quickly figure it out as it isn’t that difficult actually. I hope that these won’t get nerfed when i tell about them but if they do then oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Constructive criticism is always welcomed btw~
All of you have a good day/night! Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more!
Regards: Willowy