Importing Classes from Other Mods

Hello; my first post so I hope I’m doing it in the right modding forum:

Is there a way to import classes to a mod? I really wanted to play the Diablo 2 classes from the Reign of Terror mod in the regular campaign; I understand I’d need to make a mod for the main campaign, but I’ve no idea how to extract/import classes from another mod. (Additionally, while I’d think this is okay with modding etiquette (importing another mod’s classes for personal use), please let me know if I’m mistaken)

Any help would be appreciated; thank you!

If you only want play RoT classes in main campaign just delete file maps.arc from mod folder.

Also the mod DOM has D2 classes in it as well.

DoM’s D2 classes, different balance from RoT’s ones.
I might as well suggest original Diablo 2 Classes mod.

Hello; I gave this a shot, but unfortunately only the regular Grim Dawn classes popped up when I gained my first level.

Did you start RoT Custom Game?

Yuppers; I:

  1. Copied the mod contents (so I’d have a backup)
  2. Pasted the contents into a new mod folder ReignOfTerrorClasses
  3. Deleted maps.arc from the /database subfolder
  4. Started a new character with ReignOfTerrorClasses as the custom game
  5. Started in Devil’s Crossing and gained a level, but only the Grim Dawn classes are displayed as options
  6. Tried starting a new character with the old Reign of Terror mod just in case I copied/pasted wrong, but it just plays the mod normally with you starting in the Rogue Camp

If you name mod folder to “ReignOfTerrorClasses” you also must rename ReignOfTerror.arz file to ReignOfTerrorClasses.arz


That turned out to be the issue! Thank you!