Improved skill mapping for controller

I had an idea to improve the controller layout for GD. I have been playing ARK recently and it has a useful feature for the controller. The skill bar at the bottom of the screen is a lot like Grim Dawn’s but you can quickly move to the secondary, or the last slots towards the left, by holding the LB button.

I was thinking for GD if the LT (currently the hold attack button) could be mapped to change to the secondary skill bar on hold. If you let go it “springs” back to your first skill bar.

You could also move the secondary skill bar to the left of the first skill bar too. So you can see all your equipped skills all the time.

The hold position can be mapped to the L3 (stick button).

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yes, please add a function to hold instead of toggle to swap the bar. works great in d2r on consoles.

came here to post the same thing.

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