In-game window

Hello! Unfortunately, I didn’t realize that there might be some configuration error or that the game really is like this. Hunter, Fisherman, Gatherer and the windows of the houses do not appear when I click on them.I tried several ways, but I noticed from YouTube videos that it doesn’t appear in the game at all. So I don’t see any information about them.
Thank you in advance for the solution

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Not sure what you mean exactly. Do you mean if you click on a building you don’t see these windows?

Try verifying the game files and make sure all your drivers are up to date.

Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. :slight_smile: Could you help me with exactly what files I should have? Because I already tried deleting and reinstalling the game, but that didn’t solve the problem. Thank you in advance for your answer

Well, just the game. Should be v0.9.0a on Steam.

Try running the repair utility in the installation directory.

Yes, I tried, unfortunately no change. I reinstalled the game but the window still won’t open. I have the latest update, the game is also original, I have no idea what the solution could be.
Thank you very much for trying to help :slight_smile:

Exclude the game from being checked by any anti-virus programmes you have.

So is it only those buildings you listed specifically having an issue or buildings in general?

The solution was revealed in the meantime, I made a translation for the game and that caused the problem.
Thank you very much for all the help you have provided

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