I recently attempted to create a character with extremely high Armor (6000 Armor) with 100% Armor Absorption and all core resists maxed out, except for Physical resist (35% with all procs). Regardless, my character still died easily to superbosses.
My Blademaster got killed by Ravager and Lokarr within seconds, facetank 100% of the time was not an option. Even superbosses’ physical damage can only reach around 1800, yet 6000 Armor and 35% Physical resist didn’t help me tank. How much of these stats do I really need?
There is a lot more that goes into being able to tank. Armor, armor absorption and physical resistance only affect physical damage. (phys res also affects internal trauma damage)
There a some other factors at play as well:
Defensive Ability - Determines the chance that the enemy hits and crits you
Damage absorption (Character stat/buff - flat/%)
Damage reduction (enemy debuff)
Fumble/Impaired Aim (enemy debuff)
Chance to dodge (Character stat/buff)
Shield block chance, damage absorbed, recovery time
Your ability as a player too see and dodge big attacks & sunder
And do not forget about CC resistances
For physical builds make sure to have at least some damage deflect resistance
Heals and leech are also important to stay alive. The latter only works well if your damage is good enough
Yeah if you got tanky in numbers (including Defensive Ability, DA?) you may be missing sustain via health regen or life leach. If you depend on Attack Damage converted to Health, then any DPS drop is going to be very lethal.
If you share a GrimTools link (upload your build here with the import button) then folks will surely be able to tell you what went wrong.
If u want to facetank ravager or calla for that matter, it won’t be pretty.
Lokarr also does quite a lot nova days now but tanking him is doable.
I suggest avoiding sunder on rav, mog or calla and attack right after they do their sunder moves. In my opinion, it makes the whole game different in a good way where it’s not only stat check but also a tactical movement check.