[Inquisitor] Flames of Ignafar Transmuter

Well firstly I know what everyone is thinking - Why make this thread now?

Well now seems like a good time since right now the expansion is still in development and major suggestions can be considered by dev team.

While i personally have no qualms with anything I have managed to see in the Dev Streams so far and I am excited to try the new “Trap” skills in Inquisitor line and the new Bone Forcewave of Necromancer

I do have problem with one thing - Flames of Ignafar

From what’s been shown so far, Ignafar is a channeling skill like Arcanist’s Albrecht’s Aether Ray and Obliteration Ray but rather than a “laser” like beam this one seems more like a Flamethrower type skill

This skill’s transmuter is what I don’t like -

That is Zantai’s post from Misadventure #108 - the transmuter seems too similar to the Chaos Transmuter for AAR. Which is something I personally don’t like, rather than making it a Chaos Transmuter a Cold based transmuter sounds appealing to me.
I like the idea of “Blue Flames” dealing Cold and heavy Frostburn damage
And since there is a general lack of Cold spells I think Cold fits in perfectly

Cold is a personal choice of mine, my point is to make the transmuter into anything besides Chaos and Aether


Since a lot of people seem to bring up Occultist Synergy as an issue a Fire to Acid transmuter has been added to the polls (thanks Jiaco)

Nice job doing this cause it did make me chuckle :wink:

I still want a Mr. Freeze type ray (laser) that I asked in that poll but I am sure a poll with 13 or so votes isn’t enough to convince anyone to make a new item to add “Victor Fries’ Ray”

So I am going to settle for this idea, it’s still not the best of ideas but I’d take it over another damn AAR type Transmuter

And the final quote of mine should be removed cause if anyone bothers clicking on it the trail of posts makes you look like an idiot for calling Olexra’s Flash Freeze the most overpowered skill in RPG history


Here you are with your genius post

And I still stand by worst idea ever

If you’re going to quote me then do a better job

I could’ve given this explanation in the original post but it’d make it unnecessarily long

At the end of the day I want a Cold Channeling Skill, and if we’re not going to get a laser like skill then I’d settle for Blue Flames over another lame ass Chaos skill (don’t want Aether Either)

It’s kinda redundant to have it in chaos form, true … so I support this! and who knows when served cold, this might be the most overpowered skill we’re all craving for! :rolleyes:

Oh, look another poll :wink:

But yes, I agree: WE. WANT. BLUE. FLAMES. COFVEVE.

What makes you guys so sure it doesn’t already exist on one of them fancy new item modifiers

Precisely this. I’m still holding my judgement until i see every single mythical item modifier.

I am not gonna choose before i can test and play with the upcoming content, like asylum said, wait and see

You want a Cold skill that scales with cast speed (that isn’t found on a 2H melee weapon)? That’s asking for too much.

This, but I agree with Chthon in concept. Fire->Chaos can be handled by Blood Orb of Ch’thon already and a channeled Chaos spell already exists without gear anyways.

While I agree with you guys in that a cold variant would be more interesting, you’ve also got to think about providing synergies between the classes. As it stands without that transmuter there is zero damage type synergy between Inquisitor and Occultist apart from the elemental RR on Vulnerability. I don’t think Crate would do well to force players to rely on conversion items for the class combo to work.

One of the great improvements GD gave us over TQ is that there are much more synergistic “hooks” between classes to make sure that all mastery combos have something to offer. Even though this doesn’t always succeed.


Oh and the transmuter on Storm Box looks bad too, because thanks to having no aether/chaos DoT the 2nd node for that skill becomes useless if you take the transmuter.

I agree with praetorians about the item skill modifiers and other points

My main intention isn’t to get a Cold Ray but to get the transmuter to do something else than Chaos/Aether conversion

As Ceno stated we already have Blood Orb and Covenant Dagger for Fire to Chaos Conversion
I suggested cold cause i’ve wanted a cold ray for a while (a freeze ray to be exact but i’ve noticed no one cares about freeze)

I don’t see anything wrong with item conversions for build synergies. Also there’s vulnerability and in practice synergy might be different than we think. Another Chaos based skill is a big turn off. If synergy is an issue then turn it into Fire to Acid. Spraying Poison (another Poison skill besides DEE like a bunch of us wanted). No Chaos and no Aether (cause all shit gets converted to Aether)

Also I forgot what Storm box’s damage type are but assuming it does Electrocute damage - Storm Box’s problem can be solved by removing DoT all-together and turning it into something like Kiliran’s Blinding Bolt which is basically a pseudo DoT. Where the non-DoT damage refreshes over time. So it’ll be Lightning/Aether damage done (which refreshes each second).
Removing electrocute seems the best option imo since from the looks of it Storm Box is the only Class based Aether/Lightning skill and having synergy issues within it doesn’t seem nice so best to do it right imo. And unless they plan to add Aether DoT (which i doubt) they should remove Electrocute from the skill or have the transmuter convert Electrocute into Aether and leave the Lightning conversion to Decree of Aldritch

Cold transmuter of course !

Chaos conversion would be redundant (it exists already on AAR …)

Relying on gear for build synergies is something that doesn’t work for an overwhelming majority of players. Only 4% of us have killed Ultimate Log. Do we really want Inquisitor+Occultist to be reduced to “oh I get BoD and CoF” for players who don’t have late game gear ?

Now I’d be down for some kind of Acid hose spell, that’d also give us another approach to Inquisitor+Nightblade that doesn’t just boil down to Pierce/Cold.

And if Crate listens and makes the transmuter cold based, that’s fine by me too. I just hope they go and find another way to make Inquisitor+Occultist enticing for beginners. This game needs more “obvious” builds that function out of the box, because that’s how you get players hooked and wanting to try other characters. Well at least that’s how I view things anyway.

Kinda, Sorta agree on the gear point

My only request to the developers is to make the transmuter anything but Chaos/Aether

While this is all true, the idea that Occultist has good Chaos support is pretty laughable.

I don’t see anything wrong with item conversions for build synergies. Also there’s vulnerability and in practice synergy might be different than we think. Another Chaos based skill is a big turn off. If synergy is an issue then turn it into Fire to Acid. Spraying Poison (another Poison skill besides DEE like a bunch of us wanted). No Chaos and no Aether (cause all shit gets converted to Aether)

Acid flamethrower? Sound rather nasty :roll:

make it Vitality then :wink:

Don’t we get a Vitality Tendril skill in Necromancer?

Would be nice if we had some sort of “jewel” system for these transmuters - for each type of dmg a coresponding jewel , Like blue jewel convert dmg to cold, green to acid etc.