Balanced skills.

I can make a big list of skills that crush Veteran with next to no problems, Flash Freeze is not the only one. Flash Freeze actually starts to suck halfway through Normal/Veteran and that’s late 20s to early 30s.

Devouring Swarm makes most of the first difficulty a joke, so i guess it’s overpowered. Blade Arc and Forcewave do nearly the same thing. Primal Strike too. Want more examples?

Here’s the big difference: all those skills i mentioned work against all heroes. There’s a large group of heroes that resist Flash Freeze and they show up from the beginning of the first difficulty. Story bosses resist Flash Freeze by the way.

But by all means, ask Crate to nerf Flash Freeze. God knows the skill can get even worse than aready is.

If you find the skill/build/play style diminishes they enjoyment of your game time, consider alternative selections.

Not more examples, just one relevant example.

If you can. Because so far I see no skill with a 16 meters radius that freezes.

I understand your point, but you are obviously completely missing mine.

I ask Crate nothing. They made it clear years ago that they couldn’t care less for my reports and that their objectives were not into opening the game to a wider audience or to learn from previous and well established references. And since I see that your biggest concern here are your builds and not the game, I understand that this is just another one of those pointless discussions.

No, they don’t.

The first bosses lose at least 1/6 of their health with each wave. I don’t call that resisting. 100 damage is a massive amount of damage in early game, even for the bosses.

I agree with you 100 % .Not forget the uber crowd control stuff from off.

I saw a guy on ultimate hardcore streaming and quietly drinking and eating while using off :slight_smile:

How weren’t the examples i mentioned relevant? You say Flash Freeze makes early game a joke, i mentioned other skills that do the same. Please enlighten me how those weren’t relevant examples. I’d argue Devouring Swarm makes the early game more of a joke than Flash Freeze.

100 damage is absolutely nothing when you reach Burrwitch village. The Warden gets hit by that and calls it pussy damage. Heck, 100 damage is nothing around level 10.

And then you find a single Cold One and your Flash Freeze does 0 damage to it and doesn’t freeze it.

what kind of damages are “pussy damages” first time i hear of that?

This pretty much. Flash freeze is fast early on but the first 20 or so levels already go by pretty quickly when you know what to do/where to go.

You guyz want something overpowered at low lvls Markovian’s advantage literally max damage 1417 at lvl 2 when it connects

Wow SOOOO op that’s 14 times as op as flash freeze which only does 100 dmg to non boss enemies!

Why are we arguing about early game over powered skills? I mean who gives a rats ass if something is Over Powered in Act 1. Any Skill that you Max out by level 6 is overpowered for that time in the game. It’s why you should always max out an early skill as soon as you can. Weather it be Forcewave, BWC, DEE. ABB, OFF or Devouring Swarm if they are maxed out early they carry you through Act 1 with ease.
They start to taper off around Homestead unless you have the gear to maximize their potential.

Only time you should be worried if a skill is OP is in Ultimate, as thats the only playthrough that matters.

Best Troll post in this forum’s history (probably)

If only Flash Freeze cooldown can be removed:rolleyes:

Jokes aside I always wanted to build around that skill if only it wasn’t so useless

Heh, thanks. Sometimes I worry about coming off as a Crate suckup, but they really do respond to community feedback and show good judgment about it in a way I haven’t seen from any other developer.

Remember when they had 500% cold resistance so you couldn’t reduce it enough to damage them? Dark times, I tell you. :frowning:

What makes it more funny is that he calls it “the most overpowered skill in videogame history”. Something tells me that he played very few RPGs because that’s the only explanation for such statement. I can name various skills that are far more overpowered in other RPGs.

If he had played Grim Dawn properly I am sure he’d understand what overpowered means

To the OP’s first point, about skills (not necessarily builds) that are OP and never seem to get touched, personally the only skill that fits that description for me is Pneumatic Burst. I think it’s terrible design and its been like that as long as I can remember. Look at any viable builds list for any combo of Nightblade and 98-100% of them use the skill line in some capacity.

To me that’s a huge red flag for a skill being OP or at least so good or necessary that something about NB needs to change. You can argue the ins and outs of the skill itself, but those “required” skills shouldn’t exist. It’s too good and the skill line is trying to do too much and is all over the place thematically (the last 2 skills have good defense stats, the first has a large DPS increase attached to HUGE active heal and passive sustain heal, that’s every area of itemization in one skill line).

Nightblade’s early levelling game is usually tougher than any of the other classes. Typical Nightblade dual wield gameplay involves SS in, PB, attack, Ring of Steel, back out then repeat. Without PB, it honestly feels way too unsafe to consider “dual wielding”. It’s obviously not the “one and only way” of using the character but the main idea is there.

Having said that, I haven’t found a need to max the entire skill line on any of my builds. My frostburn builds have elemental awakening maxed and some just take a few points into the heal+total speed and DA buffs.

I agree, the NB is squishy otherwise but the answer isn’t to make a single heal skill that every build must spec into (oh yea that also buffs dps and defense stats too). I don’t have a problem with the last 2 skills in the line, but attaching an enormous active heal (basically another pot) to a large dps increase (12% speed) attached to a large sustained heal regen seems too “all in one” and required for me.