Insane damage


Someone or something in Edge of Reality can hit for 34k+ damage. I checked every single monster in the video, but I still don’t know what could cause such damage through all capped (except 24% phys) resistances and with no debuff on the player.

Full video.

Death frame-by-frame.

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looked like closer to 28966 damage. you still had 15 life after the hit. looks like you had shields against several damage types and none of those looked effected by it. no clue about what actually happened

pet reflected dmg on to you?

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GT link so that we can see the build?

50-60% of Mythical Fiendflesh Mantle - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database 's shield

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Perhaps one of those untargetable/immortal floating rocks was involved? I can’t remember the name so I can’t find them in grimtools to provide a more thorough hypothesis, but I think they ignore damage reduction.

Seems to coincide with whatever this cyan explosion was :thinking:

Armed Arcane bomb:

Ah ok… probably a coincidence then :sweat_smile: :frowning:

Already checked: video. BTW, there wasn’t a single stone nearby. :slight_smile:

Also I actually tried to mindlessly baboon the whole zone a few times and I cant reproduce the death again:

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Your max damage taken is only 5736, so could be what @Gnomish_Inquisition said about pet reflect. I know nothing about that mechanic, but in the video you go from 11 Skeletons to 4 upon death, so it’s a possibility.

i have a different obscure theory, but about as little merit as pet reflect (looking it over didn’t see anything that might have reflect)
assuming it’s not whatever the fire dmg is causing some weird stacking effecting
also given the low max dmg taken dot stacking could fit, but so could HP reduct
there is thingy where if you’re hit with multiple instance of HP reduct in the exact same moment they work additively instead of multiplicative/“layered”?, and we’ve seen atleast 1 instance of it with rylok stacking,
(although there is only 1 rylock there and seemingly not in aura range judging by debuff row?)
since pets are there should also probably eliminate direct attacks, which again would fit something like rylok hp reduct aura, and since max dmg taken doesn’t factor in stacked dmg, 6x5k hp (again assuming the 5k dmg taken was even from there), then it could again fit with dmg stacking, dot or HP reduct from multiple enemies at the same time etc

only other weird idea i got was that maybe you stood on a rock and it bugged out and caused a nuke :sweat_smile: - but can’t see any rocks in the footage either

5k+ - Lokarr with bad mutator.

Max damage right after the death:

Another example: the 1st SR80-90 run (ignore the fact that I just suicide charged into sunder under +%chaos mutator, I did it for the test :grin:). Here I can clearly see the incoming damage. And this is still much less than in the fist case.

It’s quite possible. I’ve noticed some gaps under textures here and there, but I usually haven’t had time to record or somehow capture this moment, and I can’t reproduce it again to report a bug.

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I have noticed for myself and a few streamers an occurance where it seems collision detection goes wrong when the player char and a mob take up the same space instead of being bumped apart.
Usually this is an insta death though, but then all instance I have seen of that did not have your health.
Its pretty rare tbh to see such an overlap happen but it can seem to cause all nova projectiles to hit a player in same frame, then if the game hitches this seems at times to have compounded this.
It does look like you potentially have that overlap tbh.

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