Do you guys know where they are located in the database ? I need to create the scavenging skill now
One possibility: on death replace the corpse with a skeleton. The skeleton can be looted, which contains the results of the scavenging? You need something that can already be interacted with by the player if you want the player to interact with something
level art\carnage\ here?
Yes, I love the skeletons idea.
Make it work like one-time chest. You open the chest (corpse) loot drop out of the chest (corpse) and when you interact with the container (corpse) you can probably track that for your skill (scavenging).
I found all the interactable stuff (chests, jugs, barrels…) and they have a “onBroken” script hook. It should be very easy to add some skill checks and specific loot from this point I think.
path: database/records/items/lootchests/breakables,…
Thanks for answers lads
I also found these examples, which may have more of the functionality you’re looking for even though you’d probably still want to use the onBroken hook.
I only found one instance of onBroken being called: