Couldnt agree more. In that case, stand-by, I have a handful of meme type builds ive posted about on here already and many I havent ever shared, which I will do here later tonight.
For now I will share my most recent favorite. I wanted to make a build focused on using all the gear everyone complained about, but particularly the things people complained were horrible gear pieces. I then thought, wouldn’t it be funny to run a build focused on every piece of gear that has some kind of debuffing proc thats disadvantageous to the player. Thats how Harry the Has-been was conceived.
I enjoyed this hilariously terrible character so much i actually kept playing as him and pushing to make him survive the journey to level 100. Many deaths at the hands of drunken stumbling have proven this to be a very difficult task, as Harry has a prerequisite to his playstyle- he must always be under the effects of the Burrwitch Brew (hes an alchoholic).
I decided to focus on the jankier stats and mechanics in the game with him as i built as well, to add some flavor to his backround, pumping his dodge/deflect stats as high as possible and banking on them as his primary defense, while utilizing gear which drains his HP such as Hungering Void and the Sacrifice relic, to trigger procs that rely on HP dropping below certain amounts (Prismatic Diamond, and Blast Shield).
I came to love this build so much that i wrote some backstory to him and asked community for help finding more flavorful terrible gear for him here in his original thread.
Ill share more of mine later!