Interesting/strange/meme(?) builds you're most proud of

As a lover of double-bomb setups, I had to try to make a triple bomb setup with Grenado + Canister Bomb + Big Jacks:

In my theorycraft doc I called it the “Triplethreat™ Purifer.” It performed pretty poorly in actual tests (basically big jacks brought nothing and was a skill point tax on the big bois).

In retrospect, I probably should have gone the electrocute route.

Oh, and here’s a chaos grenado + doom bolt pyromancer that I tested back when Spanks was making his Doom bolt spammer:

It could nuke trash in campaign, but nothing impressive.

Looks really fun to play. Something about the ground slam action of your movement rune really brings together the aesthetic of the build for me.

Is that really the appropriate phrase here? :thinking:

I really like two things here:

  1. Your approach of finding gameplay elements to fit extremely specific thematic considerations just seems like a cool way to play the game, and

  2. the build you’ve assembled is crafted around the idea of having two distinct phases of gameplay, which strikes me as a great way to spice things up.


Thanks man, yeah, there is a reason this is my favorite video game, and that reason is the sandbox style ARPG experience Crate delivered to us offers so many different gameplay experiences.

@MikeHeydon is the one who really opened that door for me, in his Personal lore and NPC inspired thread. His approach to playing the game kicked my own experiences into overdrive, and while id already been building Might Guy before I started to participate in the experiences he introduced, he absolutely inspired me to keep going with it.

I have read people bash multiplayer in this game time and time again, but its clear to me their opinions are founded from a place that has no intention to, and experiences no joy from, developing team-dependent builds and group tactics which require all 4 players to work together in order to survive, where no one player can do everything themself. I really enjoy building around this idea and approach. This IS a thing, and it doesnt get the credit it deserves in this game.

Some of the most fun multiplayer experiences ive had have been roleplay related group crucible runs, and rogue dungeon runs, where you have your rogue style guy, your tank style guy, your mage style guy, and your priest style guy all working as a cohesive unit to overcome odds, which, if playing multiplayer using regular style builds that can crush SR and Crucible solo, would be “too easy”.

If the game is too easy, make it more challenging, impose some “self-rules”, and it will add so much extra flavor to the game. Youll wind up using items that would otherwise be considered trash… and in the process unveil the true genius of this title, and the awesome development team.

Gear and skill balancing is so deep, you can spend hours fine tuning your builds to create a more challenging experience, say, using no epics or legendaries, or even no rare items! Or maybe playing HC classless! Or taking it to the extreme depths and in group play limiting each player to specific class, skill, devotion, and item types only, based on their roles. There is so much room for creative freedom god its a nerds dream come true i love it, man!


Noice :yum:

Btw to add to the classless pets thingy, this was my attempt with it:

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Meme Build Compendium? This is glorious!

My Spiky / Toxic Snail should be there

… And I feel like we might need (meme) tag for our regular Build Compendium :smiley:

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Wow I didn’t realise the rabbit-hole went this deep. It’s beyond fabulous.



I also have this fun build, it focuses on using proc attack on each equipment slot and turn out quite effective build, what more the proc looks beautiful and thematicly good. Check the screenshot below, I call him Bloodsworn Bloodletter.

Everything was splattered by fountain and circle of blood, there is also a blood red spike that come from yourself as well an earthquake.

The build itself is here


Really excited to see this! I’ve been toying with some Mythical Basilisk Claw+Blade Barrier ideas myself lately, so I’m excited to take a close look here and see how you’ve put things together.

I mean it’s not even remotely close to any top-tier builds… but it’s only 4 seconds of Blade Barrier downtime (for DW varitation).

Have fun!

How do you end up with 4 seconds? Maybe I’m missing something but it looks like your item modifiers get you down to 7, and then you end up maybe a little lower because of of that 4% global CDR.

Edit: duration of blade barrier eats into the cooldown timer, doesn’t it?

Yep, 22/12 skill + [Conduit] + 2x[Claw] and it goes to 7 sec, 3 of which it’s own duration

Guess I leave this maximum skyshards druid & this acid obliteration witch hunter behind. :rofl:

Actually I don’t mind, will consider that as a possibility.


Some weird one, Dark One physical Blade Arc Spam+RE Death Knight.

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It will be hard to define what a meme is.

Hah, if I’m introducing that it’ll be 100% as the author says. If the author acknowledges the build as meme then he can add meme tag, simple as that.


I’m pretty sure it has something to do with some crazy lady losing her shit with a smug-looking cat.

Just want to mention @Adam_Bomb’s Carpet Bomber sorc. Thematic, awesome and hits like a truck when you need it to.


I totally forgot about my only just begun Jiraiya build. Briarthorn represents his Toad summon, and his jutsu like “Art of the Lion’s Mane” I imagine to be Entangling Vines with the Immobilizing effect. Concept behind him was I wanted to make a guy whose sole purpose was to buff other players, so started in Shaman and was working towards briarthorns Emboldening Presence, alongside Mogdrogen’s Pact. I also gave him as many gear pieces with the Battle Cry mechanic as possible. With his current set-up he has 7 souces of Battle Cry. I’m actually not sure how all this plays out, but I remember when brewing the idea that I thought it would be awesome if the Battlecries rotated, operating on each of their own respective cooldowns, but hopefully not overriding each other upon activation… The goal was to get it so I could have Battlecry up almost always, but I dont know if thats even doable.

Anyway, he was fun and I do look forward to one day finishing him.