Interface and font size

I have been playing the game for a month and it has been a wonderful experience.

One trouble, though, is the font size matter. I am using WIN10 platform and my screen supports 5K resolution. But once I choose 5k to play GD, the font size and all UI become very small and difficult to see (already set UI scale to max). Any way to solve this? thanks

Um… 5K at what screen size? Looks like you would need 47-inch or bigger to achieve the right pixel density. Need to keep that in mind when buying high resolution monitors.
To solve this, perhaps enable some “smart” upscaling in GPU driver, so that game renders at lower resolution, but displays at higher.

thanks. My screen size is 27 inch(IMAC 2021). But i dont have such problem when playing other games D3 etc. If I use 1080P it would be all right but it is a pity that i cannot use high resolution.

…\Users[user]\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\Settings\options.txt

Look for the following setting (default value):
uiScale = 0.5
uiScale = 1.125 makes the in-game interface almost exactly twice the width and height of the default 0.5.
The main menu and options menu don’t scale up.

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look up english font - clear font under modding projects. Theres a couple that give you enlarge fonts. under tools powbam made a font switcher as well. so try that out see if helps. It does me.

thank you very much, it works!

lol glad it helped game saver for me as well.