
Hello friends I am new user. I play GD. from year almost two & still fell like beginner or noob ;ddd
I was wondering about the new mod with the necromancer mastery , is there a beta version or something ? I really want to try this it become like jammed bug in my head and can’t get out of my head :smiley:

Hello Death.XIII

and welcome to the forums and grim dawn

here are several links to mods that contain a necromancer class:

Welcome to the forum and yes, I know what you mean. I’ve been playing since early access and still feel that way a lot!

Crate haven’t yet confirmed whether or not the new expansion will be made available as early access. So if you want to play a necromancer at the moment, you’ll have to use one of the mods Dikkiedik linked to.

Hate to be that guy but I pray for a full release without Early Access