Inventory idea - extra bag sorting

You have a main inventory and 5 extra bags, call them A, B, C, D and E. Extra bags are filled L → R, although the “open” bag" takes priority over this rule. It is kind of normal to put stuff you don’t want covered in gunk - at least until it’s unavoidable - in bag E.

There is an autosort on the main inventory and each of the additional bags, and i was kind of thinking it would be cool if there was a way to autosort over multiple bags AND allow you to keep the “bag E for my stuff”.

My idea is for R-click on the mini bag icons to move all items from that bag and all bags to it’s left as far “left” as possible.


Bag A has a chestpiece in it. Bag B is half full of rings, bag C is half full of amulets, bag D is half full of medals, and bag E has a stack of dynamite and some aether crystals.

R click on bag C. Bag A still holds the chest piece, and fills up with all of the contents of bag B and all but 6 of the amulets from bag C. Bag B receives the remaining 6 amulets from bag C. Bag C is now empty. Bag D’s medals don’t move. Bag E’s misc contents don’t move.

It doesn’t have to work exactly this way - could use any sort of algorithm - my dumb brian just thinks maybe

Move all 6 slots to leftmost bag until out of space
Move all 4 slots to leftmost bag until out of space
Move all 3 slots to leftmost bag until out of space
Move all 2 slots to leftmost bag until out of space
Move all 1 slot to leftmost bag until out of space

Repeat in A->E order from bag A until all bags until the “clicked” bag are filled, or all items are sorted

R-click on bag A will not perform a multi-bag sort. R click multi-bag sort would only work on bags B through E. The main inventory is not involved with this bag management. R-click on bags B->E never moves items into the main inventory. Any sort which results in items NOT being able to be sorted (let’s assume this can happen, I don’t know, I’m not a mathematician) results in no sort.

I get the idea, but it sounds complicated. I would rather just have a button “sort everything together” which treats main inventory + all bags as single space. The same way as if you dropped and picked up all items again. I would use to make sure I have nothing left in bags instead of switching between them.

Generally I would much prefer seeing all bags at the same time, like I suggested here: Utilise the available screen space better

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That’s definitely a simpler solution to reduce the number of bags with items in, and sounds like a thing that could easily be implemented that people might like - but personally I would never ever want to use such a thing.

I really don’t want to be at the mercy of the sorting algorithm when I already have bags (and/or main inventory) which are organised, and contain what I want them to contain, where I want them to contain it.

As someone who’s done some coding in their life, on the face of it, this doesn’t seem too hard to do, at least from a logic standpoint. No idea if the engine could do it. I am not convinced that conceptually this is an overly complicated thing for players to get the hang of.

Oh, also, in my mind, there would be a (switchable) warning on an R-click sort that ask if the player is sure they want to sort from bag A->X. If this warning is switchable, make it distinct from the warning from autosort!

Just re-read this. Hmm, in hindsight, prooooobably better for the order of packing to change to:

Move all 6 slots to leftmost bag until out of space
Move all 3 slots to leftmost bag until out of space
Move all 4 slots to leftmost bag until out of space
Move all 2 slots to leftmost bag until out of space
Move all 1 slot to leftmost bag until out of space

Also, the automatic placing of items in bags has always felt really crap to me, mostly because of 3 slot items. Items are placed vertically rather than horizontally. So, while we’re here, it would be really nice to change that.

Placing 2 consecutive 3 slot items in bags should be made identical to placing a single 6 slot item (if there’s space to do so), making the behaviour of the inventory more consistent and predictable. This is how placing items into the bank works. That they behave differently is fully on pants-on-head insane to me.

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