Utilise the available screen space better

Do you enjoy switching between 3 character sheets, scrolling them or switching between 5 inventory bags? I don’t, but I noticed a lot of empty space around inventory window! Imagine THIS:

My resolution is 1920x1080 and UI scaling is at default. So much more info and space at my fingertips. Heck, new players would even immediately learn, that physical resistance existed. Players whose setup cannot fit this monstrous window would simply get the old, small one. Their loss.

Did anybody else have similar ideas for other UI elements?


yes please. Trying to figure out whats in which bag or how much space I have left is the worst. (Also a components-materials bag or ability to reserve space for components-materials in existing bag please)

since my sight isn’t the best i think i have my scaling cranked up a “lil bit”, and iirc when i did a MS paint cut & paste trial i could still fit them on my screen? posted it in the discord at the time? unsure/don’t remember
either way wouldn’t be bad i think :+1:
heck lets remove some of those redundant stat mentions while we’re at it? no idea why sleep res is even on there :laughing:

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