Is there any inventory space expansion planned around FoA release?

Historically we have gotten an extra stash tab or two each DLC (IIRC).

I was curious about this so I read all your previous posts in this thread. You keep repeating that more stash tabs would hurt your gameplay experience, but you never really explain why and how.
You mentioned how you don’t want to deal with 600 stash tabs in PoE which is understandable, but since we are talking about less than 10 tabs in GD, that’s more of an argument against infinite stash than against 2 more tabs.
You also keep repeating that everyone who wants 2 more tabs actually wants infinite stash, which might be true for some people but in the end you’re attacking a strawman. Also there is no page 703, so when you say

I can’t help but think the actual percentage of seriousness is much lower than that.

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Correct. I have no issue with 1 or 2 more tabs. My issue is with infinite storage.

Because I’ve read enough of these “just one more” threads to know that what I’m arguing against is actually not a strawman. It might be true for some people that they’d be happy with 1 or 2 more tabs, but for most who want more they actually want infinite. I was born on a friday, but it wasn’t last week.

I’m aware. There’s no page anything on this forum. It was a comment on how long this (and other) threads have been going.

just gonna jump in with returning your own argument against you
where do you see that all these “increase stash request” is only about 2 tabs?
because i don’t see those, i see the ones asking for more or even “infinite”
-you even have OP expressly stating that just adding 2 more tabs indeed doesn’t solve the issue in response to paikis (“this should be baseline” X-Mod-Hoarder-Legacy file - Grim UI mod for Grim Dawn - ModDB “adding one or two extra rows to this”)
so, where are you drawing the conclusion/“making the strawman” that this thread/these requests and types of requests being referred to, is “only about a sober +2 tabs”? - when you have people stating different or even outright asking for “infinite” here? :thinking:
*and to pre-empt this, this is not a counter argument about the "it will impact my gameplay"as response that Paikis is making, so don’t make it about that…

Maybe just increase the inventory size a little bit, then made an unique inventory tab to store all craftable, cosumable, agument etc… that would be nice qol. For storage, just 1 or 2 more is good enough.

Increase inventory size? Maybe it would be enough if we could see all bags at the same time. Inventory would not be bigger, but we’d actually use all of it more often. Just like I suggested here: Utilise the available screen space better

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Which OP never asked for, they asked for a modern QoL improvement of the inventory system. That’s why I said you were attacking a strawman. Your initial quote from the other thread only makes sense for that thread where the OP actually asked for infinite stash space, but not here.

btw I’m still curious why you think that more stash space would hurt your gameplay experience.

To _Jj and others who ask for stash increase in any capacity - a quick tip: ask for this change to be optional. So the orthodoxes can enjoy their limited stashes untouched and not flood with bazillions of reasons why stash increase is ruining the game.

Here. You jumped on a wrong person. (I hope Volek does not mind my 2 cents)

It’s an excellent idea. It will not solve the space issue for those asking for increase, but will be a welcome QoL nonetheless. Stash tabs can be improved the same way.

i didn’t, read my reply carefully, then maybe you will see what i’m referring to (hint, you advocated for it)

Just one reason would be nice to hear :smile:

you mean one more than those already given by the devs, multiple times, parroted in the beginning of this thread too? :smile:

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Doubt that would be possible as that would probably mean 2 different versions of the game which would make multiplaying with others impossible if they didn’t all have the same version.

No. I mean Paikis’ reason why a few more stash tabs are ruining his game. He said scroll up and read his previous comments which i did, but other i saw nothing but “people who want 2 more tabs ackchually want infinite tabs”. In the other thread he mentioned a friend who stopped playing GD because they got fed up with item management in GDIA, which still doesn’t explain why 2 more tabs hurt the game.

he already gave, it, several times? Is there any inventory space expansion planned around FoA release? - #3 by Paikis

you/“pro stash” guys just dont’ like it/dont’ agree with it :smile: - doesnt’ change it’s the opinion/reason, and no less valid, no matter how much we want stash

2 ≠ 600 ≠ ∞

The game is designed to support low resolutions, and even then the UI is too big for the Steam Deck, which is a new thing to consider.

We have mods that massively increase the usable screen space for inventory, if you’re on a 1920x1080 monitor, you can use those (GrimUI is one). I just don’t see Crate backing out of their previous statements to support the current size, as that could alienate some of the community who is still playing on CRT monitors :sweat_smile:

It’s definitely an “easy” fix, and would give a shit load of extra usable storage but it could end up being a problem.

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A free DLC. Or a different game mode (like Cruicible). Those who use the increased stash play separately from those who does not. It’s just monkey me giving ideas off top of my head, I am sure if Crate will put their minds to it they’d come up with something…?

again, you’re pulling 2 from nowhere
did you read the thread? shall i quote OP again, of how we’re not jsut dealing with requests for 2, shall i quote others that requested much more?
that is what paikis is reacting to “because those sentiments are equally here in this thread as the dozen other threads where this request was made”
and you’re treating it as because it’s now, firmly, magically fixed only about +2 vanilla tabs, that paikis disagreeing to expanded storage becomes even more invalid; when you’re own argument isn’t even true, it’s not just about +2

hell and i’m pro stash, and i get annoyed by this bs attempted twisting of the argument :sweat_smile:

Not the same sort of thing. It would be different from the vanilla game so any multiplayers would have to have the same version.

the thread’s title is Is there any inventory space expansion planned around FoA release?
and the previous expansions gave us 1-2 stash tabs. OP wasn’t asking for infinite tabs, yet all arguments go against that and “people will still ask for more, where does it end”