Is aggroing SR bosses one by one intended?

It’s an exploit & cheesy cheese for sure. Recent example is someone delved in shard 103 by this method.
A painful journey to him also painful for us to watch. Dilemma is not many builds can afford to aggro them all at once.
Maybe just like Z mentioned on Dev Stream long ago, some benefit from Crucible, some from SR.
Does it work as intended, deeper shard only opens for limited builds as intended??
I love SR much much more than Crucible, but create a build and reach beyond 80 is not a easy feat for me.
As we all know melee builds suffer a lot in SR. No need to make it easier, at least make it viable for more builds.
Also one more waystone (80, 85, 90) is good, even Z did said it’s useless at some point.
Truth is it did save plenty of time for anyone who is capable of and wanna test their limit without going all over again from 75, trust me it’s annoying.

Recently Z has referred to GDStash as cheating so there’s that too.

Who says it’s not a cheat I wonder?? Use it to backup stash items in case of corrupted save files is ok. Otherwise damn sure is cheating.
Those wonderful greens won’t rain from the sky that easy. However we can’t simply judge anyone who exploits this tool.
Not everyone has the time of the whole world. And GD needs nothing but time. That’s why I never use any green except those can be purchased by NPC.
What about Grim Internals, is It cheating too on Z’s perspective??

No No No. I want Z focus his attention on this exploit, so we could have better scenario for more builds.

Your strawman is arguing that I care whether people have an easier time or whether they GDstash. I GDstash. Don’t structure our disagreement on what you want to believe I feel.

You use terms like “you’re crying.” You’re just an ass who has to exacerbate disagreements to the point where even trying to make a fair case to you feels unpleasant since you misrepresent me and characterize me poorly every chance you get. I’m blocking you and moving on.

My stance is that exploits should be fixed and we shouldn’t delude ourselves into thinking an exploit isn’t an exploit. Z clarified it is indeed not intended gameplay to aggro the bosses one by one. And Z also doesn’t care if players keep this one.

So I am satisfied on both accounts. Z took a stance and I’m the kind of tester that generally accepts the developer stance. No need to argue further.

The problem with the word “exploit” is, that in my opinion it is mainly used in situations where competition is a relevant factor.

And therefore it doesn´t fit here imho, because Grim Dawn is foremost a non-competitive Single Player Game.

On the other hand “Not working as intended” is an indicator that it shouldn´t be used. This means not that been rushed by all enemies at once has to be the only other solution/option.

It´s in Crate´s hand now; if they say they didn´t intend it but can live with it/won´t change it…well, clever use of game mechanics. Otherwise changes should be made, some of the proposals here sound quite fine.

I never said you cared about whether people GDStash or not. This was my exact comment:

"This feels like when people got mad that others use GDStash to cheat items. "

And this quote is from you is it not?

“Just because people whine and want their game easy peasy does not mean that exploits should remain in game.”

So, do tell me where the strawman is.

You use terms like “you’re crying.” You’re just an ass who has to exacerbate disagreements to the point where even trying to make a fair case to you feels unpleasant since you misrepresent me and characterize me poorly every chance you get. I’m blocking you and moving on.

Would you have preferred if I used the term “Whining” instead like you did when talking about other players who disagreed with your opinion?

Or would you like me to call you out for being the most asinine one here?

If you are going to use insulting remarks against others, don’t complain when they do the same to you. Learn to behave first.

Or yes, just block me and move on. Probably better idea before we both get banned.

My stance is that exploits should be fixed and we shouldn’t delude ourselves into thinking an exploit isn’t an exploit. Z clarified it is indeed not intended gameplay to aggro the bosses one by one. And Z also doesn’t care if players keep this one.

So I am satisfied on both accounts. Z took a stance and I’m the kind of tester that generally accepts the developer stance. No need to argue further.

And I am asking you to not delude yourself into thinking that this is an exploit. But you do you.

I wasn’t calling people who wanted to keep it whining. I was referring to those who want to believe it’s not an exploit and get super bent out of shape when someone suggests an exploit gets fixed. It’s confirmed not intended gameplay. That’s all I meant by exploit. Well. This will be the last you deal with me. I wish you well man. I’d try and hash it out with you on voice chat but I imagine you’d continue to make it like all my stances are personal and emotional instead of just a way of looking at game design.

All the same, you whined about other people whining but went defensive when someone else called you out on your whining.

And ever wondered if other people do not see it as an exploit? Because they are used to it from other games and no where else is it considered as an exploit or abuse but a strategy to be used?

Also stop pretending to be a victim when you have dished out as much or more than you were given. If you want to put me on ignore and move on, then that is fine, however.

Gee, we’ve already had two temp bans issued this week. Looks like a few more people may be heading for them as well.

Chill guys. Let’s keep the aggro in SR and not on the forum please.

SR aggro is overflowing and needs to be nerfed!

For my part, Apologies

This debate already had its day in the sun. Don’t think it needs to go on again.