Is grinding for loot really a good mechanic?

I could imagine this working well. In order to craft the ever popular “stonehide (item) of kings” that are in every build nowadays, the player could “teach” the blacksmith how to craft the “stonehide” prefix by dismantling X number of items with the prefix. For balance reasons the player could only be allowed to add one affix to an item (or else double rares would be way to easy to possess), but it would be a nice way to balance farming/rng with crafting.

And why play a game, when best gear is so easily accessable? To be honest, i think that legendaries can be accessed far too easily, with crafting vendor and Crucible. And since Crate decided that legendaries should be the majority of BiS gear, you acquire BiS gear too fast.
Let me explain. Rare items with two rare mods drop far less often, than legendaries, but most of those rare items are pure junk. MI items (if drop-only) with two (or even one) proper rare mod are also much harder to obtain, that legendaries. But guess what? Most rare mods are just pure JUNK, while far more common magic mods out-perform them (or are on par). For example, “of attack” suffix on rings is BiS for many builds, because for unknown reason, it grants almost 2 times more OA, than any rare mod. Same for “of Vitality” sufix on shoulders, pants, etc - it grant much more HP than any rare mod, thus is superior.
In my opinion, rare mods should be ALWAYS better than corresponding magic mods, so their rarity will be justified. Also, in my opinion, most of BiS items should be MI with proper double-rare mods, not legendaries. Legendaries can be BiS only if they’re some kind of “build-enabler”, like Obsidian Juggernaut (active skill) or Beronath, Reforged (buff).

Nah that’s not an option for me. I find crucible very tedious and boring. Haven’t even bought it tbh but watched enough video material to make my decision. I’d rather prefer something similar to D3 rifts, or Poe maps, than just arena and wave after wave of monsters.

Yeah, farming a single monster is very tedious too, that is why i’m complaining really. Getting those items without trading pretty much sucks either way.

Also to add, i haven’t really needed them yet on all of my builds, but for some builds they are like only way to get certain resists (like stun) up to reasonable level. And since i don’t play crucible which is the toughest content in gd i think, i don’t really need them that badly. But being a perfectionist it really hurts to only use the second best! >.<

Reason is known. Game has undergone a lot of balance changes. And most of this changes affected only small part of the itemization but totally abandoned huge other part.
For example, you make Cunning stronger. It gives more %physical damage. BUT! You do not change amount of +cunning on items. This makes items with +cunning more appealing while items with +%physical damage less.
Game suffered A LOT from such changes and became totally unbalanced. A lot of suffixes and prefixes are total garbage because of such balancing.
Of course this is not a fault of developers. This happened because of the engine they are using. They could adapt it but they had not time for this.

I think the challenge dungeons could be extended. Make them random maps with random spawns. Crucible is kind of this, minus the map and minus the requirement to have access to the unlocked map to get there, etc. But it would make sense that each level you clear allows you a pile of guaranteed loot (guarantee that all drops are greens, epics and 1 legendary). Random is ok. When you have everything in the game and all you do is make builds but never really play anything, what’s the point anymore? You can make builds all day after you know the mechanics of the game and know it will work to a degree. It’s fun to try things. It’s also fun to randomly discover stuff and have that stuff prompt a build or idea. Really though, I’d rather play the game with others than just join a game of 85’s and grind away, but then again, sometimes it’s fun to just make a murder ball and roll.

D3 with the updated loot mechanic made it easy for everyone to get tons of top tier equipment. Sure a few people get to then try a few top-shelf builds based on specific gear. Great. But what did it really do? All it did was made people grind out legendaries to get PERFECT stats. Still grinding! But yea, the little guys get to try a build with imperfect items a little earlier than what it would have been.

I think random endless dungeons would be a great way to go. Why grind when you can have fun challenging yourself in a rogue-like-challenge-dungeon. Crucible has a good idea to it, but the environment of Grim Dawn is too interesting to neglect to a simple stone room! We need more long challenge dungeons!

Very best,