What does hiding legendaries behind a grindwall really do?
I’d understand if sets were behind challenge walls, but grind alone seems more like an archaic action rpg tradition only necessary when lacking sufficient content.
BTW, I enjoy Grim Dawn and think this aspect is good enough, especially with the viability of some less gear-dependent builds (retaliation warder), but I’m more arguing against the entire practice for action RPGs and loot-grinders in general.
Like, imagine if the entire markovian set was behind a fancy boss or area.
Or, imagine that once you hit level 80, you get one set from a special vendor.
I guess I’m just asking if there is actually value to keeping items behind a grind wall. I know it’s tradition at this point, but is it merely a holdover from an archaic need to spoof content with randomness and time-sinking instead of having more “actual content”?
It’s not a huge problem for Grim Dawn, I suppose. (It’s really not a problem, considering crucible drops.) So, let’s maybe open this up to the genre in general. As a huge contrast to get an idea for what I mean, consider Overwatch. It’s the style of game where you can literally sit down on a fresh account and demonstrate any level of skill from the starting gate, with zero time-based barriers on your ability to express your skill.