i’m with Sudoku on this
either you’re trying to argue semantics, which is pointless, or you’re not getting on board with what he’s saying (and imo what he’s saying is right, also semantics aside)
this is literally all it has to be
and Sudoku even explained why earlier, which is not subjective
When you buy a bottle of chemicals at your hardware store it will have a label on the back, be it caustic etc
This label has a clear and defined meaning, it is not just easily “universally” understood, but serves a purpose, in this case as a warning etc.
If/when a build gets a “label” it applies a broad(er) even if not equally universally applicable meaning to said character as that chemical caustic symbol.
But because this is a game, with a ton of variables, what’s behind the label might not have the same guarantee as that bottle.
Because just like Sudoku said, (all players are not equal), just because he, or i, or you can do X, and remember to do X or account for X, does not mean it applies in an actual broader sense to other people, but those people will still see the label and get instilled some sense of assurance “because something/the label said X”.
But when that label then doesn’t apply to them, it becomes meaningless, because it does not serve the label’s function or actually applies anything “broad”(er) than that subjectivity which you for some reason lament Sudoku for.
We don’t even need HC guides for this, we see these drastic swings in play already in well established softcore builds where a build has “a” label, someone can’t accomplish what the label claims and complains.
The monumental difference is that a label of being able to kill a Celestial on softcore vs a build clearing HC/“being HC viable” changes drastically in outcome or rather required outcome, because you’re now in one way or another, (unlike SC celestial fight you can retry to meet the label), in a fully 1x pass/fail scenario just with a ton more variables.
So a player/guide being able to pass through 1-100 on HC does not equal another player able to do so, nor even able to so following the guide, and the label would then be “lying” because it didn’t apply, but it wasn’t lying in another scenario, so it becomes “meaningless” in both ways, there wasn’t a “universal” established meaning of the label(among community or whatever)to convey what it actually means, and there was no “truth” in the meaning either because hey these players didn’t make it through HC, the latter just reinforcing the former and you have a double ouroboros of meaningless going on the way things work(currently)
“the label has no purpose” - why does the label have no purpose?, it(the label) is not well-defined = the HC viable label is meaningless
yes, it can be that simple/what Sudoku said works out “even per your own semantics twists”
it’s not based on subjective shenanigans, but because objectively the label does not do its job or a job as “label”, the words lose their own meaning