Is it possible to effectively kill superbosses using ANY kind of builds?

All the superbosses - Mogdrogen, Ravager (3 three versions), Callagadra, Lokarr, Crate of Entertainment

I understand that these bosses are supposed to be unfair, but if a build can’t kill these bosses, does it mean that said build is weak?

No, because not all builds are supposed to be able to deal with all of them. And no, it doesn’t mean a build is weak. All builds can do main campaign.

I have a great retaliation warlord that can slaughter Calla like it’s a walk in the park but I won’t make a dent in second-phase Mog. I feel like it’s fine.
Said warlord also just can’t touch Crate without dying a million ways, but my Pyran sorceress buries him so easily it feels like I’m running on cheats.

Some builds can tackle all superbosses, but most won’t.

Great thing about high-level GD is you can kind of set your own expectations. Maybe versatility is your goal, or maybe you just want those fat deep SR numbers. Maybe it’s about showing Calla who’s the greater scourge of these sands in the shortest time possible. Maybe you’re one of these passivist psychopaths.

I also saw some builds which revolved around multiplayer support, so they can’t do much by themselves.


The answer is probably no if u want effectiveness in play.

But if we cross out that word in this topic I would start to question the answer… because in theory everything should be possible. I recently saw some users making aura builds without anything but that and the only movement involved, and I did manage to create my version of a passivist build which basically could kill everything (except crate superboss) and that alone says something.

While some things may not seem possible, they could become possible one way or another.

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