Is Mythical Blightshard amulet dropping?

checked my GDstash collection, and my old mules, and thought it strange i didn’t have this one Mythical Blightshard Amulet - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database, and wanted to check if it’s actually even dropping or if it’s one of those “oopsie” lootpool items?
got the normal and empowered, but would seem through all my time and drops i’ve never gotten this mythical “somehow” :thinking:

I have two of them in my stash (mythical version) - so it seems to be RNG god punishment

Yep, drops all the time for me as well. Mythical Alchemist’s Belt on the other hand, I haven’t seen a single one (yeah, I know it’s craftable, but still). Does RNGesus have any consideration?

I am still waiting for Mythical Fang of Ch’thon (neither weapon nor blueprint dropped so far :ghost:)

ahh, that’s at least somewhat encouraging then :sweat_smile: cheers guys
always fun/interesting when your collection isn’t complete after years of play :rofl:

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Yeah, you’d think for hundreds of thousands of epics/legendaries at least one of each would drop? “WRONG!” - says RNGesus. Haven’t got Fang of Chthon drop as well ^ (but at least I have the blueprint)


Yeah I can feel you. I’m so glad there is trading, it makes getting items easy without feeling like I’m cheating.