Is something wrong with urn drops?

@Zantai There seems to be something wrong with some of the equipments in urns, such as Fewmet Grips in Urn Cluster in Bonebleach Basin, and Mythical Stormheart in Ancient Urn in Desolate Wastes. Many friends of mine and myself find that we break the urns and those equipments didn’t drop. And we are sure that our characters are the first time there and to break the urns. Could you please check if it’s a bug? Many thanks.

myth stormheart has a pre-requisite trigger where you need the undead smith/black heart to get the right urn to spawn
*neither item will drop in MP if the host already cleared it as i remember it,
and iirc it can’t drop for multiple people in the party “at the same time”, even if host hasn’t cleared it, since it’s a singular/fixed drop
aside from that, try verify game files, make sure you’re not playing a mod that’s outdated

Oh I didn’t realise that black heart is necessary. I’ll try again later. All of us were playing verify game and singleplayer mode.
Thank you!

Emm I was so stupid. It turns out that a Black Heart is needed to gain Mythical Stormheart. And I just tried using a character created in v1.1.9.8 to break Urn Cluster in Bonebleach Basin, and successfully gained Fewmet Grips. Unfortunately I don’t have a character created in v1.2 that can enter Bonebleach Basin. I’m calling some others to test.