Is there a mod that lets you chose the auto-attack used while your LMB skill is on cooldown?

Off the top of my head, I have 3 characters that would benefit from it:

  • Auto-attacking cold Spellbreaker that has AAB on left click and Sacred Strike on right click to apply a large frostburn. I’d like to have the left click use Beronath’s Fury while AAB is cooling down.
  • Chaos/vitality Witch Hunter chaos Blade Trap on LMB, Curse of Frailty on RMB. It could use the auto-attack from Rah’Zin’s set.
  • Aether Infiltrator with low cooldown aether Ring of Steel on LMB, Word of Pain on RMB. It could use Beronath’s Fury (the character has 100% elemental to aether from gear).

With the new Berserker mastery and Onslaught potentially boosting your cooldown skills, I could see this being useful but I doubt it will ever make it to vanilla so I’m asking here. Maybe it already exists?

Not possible with a mod this would have to be coded by Crate

Maybe auto hotkey can do something but I doubt it

Thank you for the info.

AHK (or equivalent) could do something that is not clean but it’s a first approach: automatically cast the desired cooldown skill when you start pressing LMB, try again after a set period that more or less matches the cooldown (+ more rapid attempts in case you had lag or whatever + deafen you with several “skill no ready” voices) if you are still holding. You would also need to either have it togglable to prevent long left clicks in the UI from triggering too, or make it trigger only after LMB is held for a set duration to filter out short clicks.

Edit: Oh and impossible to leverage chance-based reduced cooldown effects with AHK! We would need image recognition.

I wish it were as simple as “instead of using the default attack, use a Default Attack Replacer”. Why are they even called that if they don’t do that? It would be rad to have a specific slot to pick a default attack like RF/Sav/FS/BF/etc…
In lieu of mods, you can use AHK’s PixelGetColor to trivialize the checking of the cooldown to a bound skill. I’m not sure how much you would need to account for full-screen effects like sunder, but you can do that with something to the effect of RegExMatch("0x0A6AEF","0x[0|1].[6|7].[E|F].") in order to account for such variations. I have only used this to cheese bad fishing minigames (specifically in Core Keeper, an otherwise good game).
I’m not sure what would be better in terms of performance: simulating the mashing of a primary then secondary attack, or the if/then/else method.

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easy peasy with GDautocaster / autoHotkey

Absolutely. I was thinking about this while writing the post and it could use the existing drop down menu that the devotion screen already uses. The only problem finding in which window to put it. It’s not elegant but the only spot I found so far is right of the second mastery.

Thank you but that’s still AHK with the shortcomings mentioned earlier.

what you need is a gaming mouse that has a button that is basically a 2nd LMB because it is close to the position of the LMB and then have a macro programmed to that button, while the LMB is only used for ‘move to’.

This is the method i use to play trozan sky shard, since otherwise that skill is unplayable for me

I read them - don’t think they apply.
I’m using AHK for exactly the issues you’re describing - works like a charm.

Basically you put two skills on one button (e.g. RMB) - one cooldown skill, one spam skill.
They’re getting pressed all the time as long as you hold RMB. Cooldown skill will trigger as soon as off cooldown.

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Isn’t LMB to “move”, RMB to TSS sufficient? No macro or gaming mouse required.

Oh ok. The examples of delays I saw on the tool’s page implied you picked them based on the skill, but it’s true you can just spam. You would need to disable the “skill not ready” notification. It still requires loading a different config when you load a character, so not super fun. This is why I asked whether a mod existed. Anything can be automated with AHK but it’s never perfect.

no because:

-I want to spam cast between the tss cooldowns without having my brain track if it is on cooldown or not
-not walking forward when I click the button and the tss is still on cooldown

it’s never perfect

Works on my machine :partying_face:. I tested with these:

KeyisDown := true
Loop {
    If (KeyisDown = false) {
        ; send 5
    send 43
    sleep 100

~RButton up::
KeyisDown := false
send {SHIFT UP}

Of course, make sure you have a killswitch just in case the loop loops too much. Due to the casts buffering a bit, 100ms polling seemed good. Now I’m tempted to revisit a goofy Savagery+RF build…