hey guys is there any way to disable the name on the top of the screen when you target an enemie or npc ? i already replaced the healt bar for an empty texture but i cant find a way to hide the name as well…
any help would be much apreciated!
Probably not what you looking for but you could check DPYes if it has something you could use
I just want to hide enemie / npc names, as well as map area name and the ultimate letters, on the top of the screen… was hoping i could replace them with an empty texture just like i did to the healt bars… but couldnt find any info anywhere… i will try dpyes if i dont find any other solution. was hoping not to have to use 3rd party program just to reaplce that ty foe the tip either way
this should work
it wont i wanna hide names so i can see what " behind "/ full scene so that would cover it
nothing worth seeing under there anyway, besides you can rotate the camera
m8 i asked something for a reason lol i want thouse letters gone cause im trying to had reshade effect
s that go over them and makes game look ugly even with uimask because not all names are same long… if you cant help, just better su then talk s… either way ty anyways for not helping much
you see ugly letters!!!
if they are a texture i just would like to know what name they have so i can replace them with empty ones, so they dont show, and make that blur… creating a ui mask for thouse letters via reshade will look ugly and you will notice a square there half the time, when shifting camera. Or if i could move thouse frames to other spot of the screen would even be better!
so yeh, if someone could help me, id apreciate it.