Is there a way to play main game (NOT custom game) with tiny mod?


  • find YOUR_MOD.arz in your mod

  • copy it to Grim Dawn/mods

  • rename it to database.arz

  • make a shortcut to Grim Dawn .exe you’re using, this can be for example:

    • 64 bit Grim Dawn from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\x64\Grim Dawn.exe

    • Grim Internals from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\GrimInternals64.exe

    • 32 bit Grim Dawn from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\Grim Dawn.exe

  • add /basemods (preceded with one space) as argument to the shortcut:

  • you can optionally rename this shortcut so that you known it launches modded Grim Dawn

  • launch the game from the shortcut

  • alternatively add this /basemods launch flag to Steam options