Nobody takes raise the dead for the skill anyway from my understanding, I’m sure this conversation has been had before so I’m just wondering why/if there is a reason the skill isn’t for pet builds because considering where it is it looks pretty set up for pet builds, with leading into dying god and whatnot. Frankly I’m just annoyed because I’m trying to make a pet build with as many undead things as possible lol.
I too wish for this proc to be great. I haven’t tried it after the buffs though.
Because there are better things to take than Revenant for pet builds. The only thing that it’s got is adcth which due to the big gap between pets’ health pool and dmg they deal is not a very effective sustain mechanic.
Last node of Revenant is for affinity. The proc is negligible. Nodes of Revenant are good enough.
The pets from Raise the Dead used to scale with pet bonuses, but at the time it was proc on kill making it very difficult to use on pet builds. At a later time it was changed to proc on attack.
If they were proc on attack and scaled with pet bonuses, it’d be pretty hard to find a point of balance that wasn’t either useless or OP
Skeletons are not the only ones who do that. There’s also Living Shadow and some other one from the Malmouth components. Forgotten Gods also adds the Guardian of Emyrion. These are all pets that are not actually pets and scale with player bonuses. They are cousins of the Mortar Trap, the Lightning and Wendigo Totems, and the Wind Devils.
I think it is made this way to add more variety to the game. Right now skeletons deal a bit of damage and are best for an aether and vitality damage builds. I think they’re just funny to have around though the reaper has some cool bonuses anyway.
Skellies can bodyblock. I pick the just for that on most of my crucible builds. They also do quite a bit of dmg on vitality focused builds.
What if you reverted the changes so that they scale with pet bonuses, but give it say a 25-50% chance to proc on enemy death, and let the skill be procced by pets? Doesn’t seem so bad to me, only 1 type of pet can proc it and it’s not a guarantee on death so you can’t raise an army killing trash mobs, although you might have to nerf its damage slightly. Probably not gonna happen as it seems pet builds are doing pretty alright on their own without it, but it sounds interesting to me.
Plz don`t touch the proc. Its good as it is. :eek:
I want more skeletons though. Zombies are just skeletons with meat on them.
I have to admit that even on vitality or aether builds I don’t find the damage very impressive. Six of them at max level can just about kill trash in a few seconds each. They’re at times useful as obstacles, but damage, no.
You don’t want that.
If a skill scales with pet bonuses, it will scale with those of the summoner. In your case, the summoner would be one of your pets, which doesn’t have any pet bonuses of its own. The summoner would benefit from your pet bonuses, but it would not pass those on to its summons.
Well then wait, if we binded the proc to a pet while it scaled with player bonuses like it currently does, would the pet that summoned be considered a “player” and therefore pass along the buffs that I give to it to the dead it raised? Now I’m just intrigued.
I believe so but I cannot personally confirm that interaction.
If true that would be a perfect way to make the ability work, but also a way to make pet builds outrageously OP as from my understanding the devs don’t like making special cases, and have people be able to summon any player damage scaling devotion type like elemental storms, living shadows, arcane currents, elemental seekers, and give it pet build stats would probably be game destroyingly broken, no?
All discussion is deprived of any sense further, there is one iron rule that is never broken - pets do not conjure pets.
You couldn’t bind “raise dead” to any pet, normal or pseudo.
Why not, it would be fun. And fun >>> balance.
The patch which boosted the damage, spawn per proc and activation rate was definitely welcome but with no or little conversion the damage will not be great. It is a limitation of the constellation because conversion can be difficult for those damage type. I guess they still die easily to AoE with their low health as well.
If anything it could use a slight buff again; more health on the pets and higher damage given conversion difficulty. At least it is not as bad as Living shadow that only has one spawn per proc on a 6 second CD
The skeleton doesn’t scale with pet stats, because the devotion is not a pet devotion.