Just a request to improve proc a bit
Right now it has 30% chance… on crit… on solo target… with 1 sec cd. Too much,I assume.
you want it nerfed?
or the 1sec cooldown, on a proc with 5sec uptime, to be even shorter cd ?
i do, and how is it different from any other (crit) proc with low % or low uptime?
on 25% crit you have a 7.5% proc chance, per attack, couple that with a 5sec uptime and it’s not exactly super low efficiency, specially considering other procs on items
Whether other similar items good or not is a completely another question
This offhand is not a random weapon or a ring you can replace, it’s a part of the set you can’t ignore. So you might compare it only with other sets.
The sets have better RR procs or add RR to the skills itself. Even the epic set has better RR proc.
Also, it has to be said there is an exclusion in a from of Venomblade, but the set has massive RR bonus on the WH side and powerful 2x passive RR on the Dervish side
And, finally, to those, who are afraid of Iscandra offhand becoming too strong to be abused by non-dedicated builds - you should remember this offhand doesn’t have cast speed/relevant skill bonuses or RR proc might be changed as a full set proc
the difference there is those granted RR are part of the set, not single item, thus compare the proc to other similar instances (imo)
i get what you want and why you want it and in the end Zantai is the judge if it’s working as it should or deserves an upgrade /shrug
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