Issues with dot base damage for enchantment and equipment

When the equipment and its enchantment have the same type of dot base damage, the damage is not added, the highest value.
Like Avenger’s Crusher and Potent Bysmiels’Cunning、Mythical Bloodsong and Seal of Blades.These enchanted dot base damage have no effect.
The reason should be that dot damage from the same source cannot be stacked,It’s a game mechanic.
But in such cases, under certain combinations,part of the enchantment effect is invalid.doesn’t seem very reasonable,whether it can be considered a bug?


can confirm happens for me too
strangely when i tried this i was able to get the enchantment DoT counted on the very first tick,
in my tests 1250trauma with avenger+bysmiel, and then 1100 ticks for the rest, corresponding to just avenger trauma
So it’s like the game can kinda partially register it, but not just carry it through? :thinking:

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Each device and its enchantment are judged to be the same source of damage.
The mechanism of this game is that the same damage source of the same type of dot base damage does not stack, to the highest value.
Therefore, when any equipment and its enchantment have the same type of dot base damage, dot base damage will not be stacked, taking the highest value.
I think this is unreasonable, and equipment with dot base damage is at a loss