Issues with UPnP and Hosting Games

I need help with this guys, my UPnP is active in the game and my modem but it doesn’t work even with my Firewall disabled :confused::furious:
I only have 1 modem/router and with the test I get or as IP reported by my router:

Try this:


I can see games and join them, but I can’t host one, thats my problem :cry:

I had the same issue. I think I did the following:

  1. Made sure UPnP was enabled on my router. Some may have it disabled by default and others may not even support it.

  2. Added an exception for Grim Dawn in my firewall.

  3. Enabled port forwarding for port # 27016

Once I did those, I could host games. Not sure which one fixed it, exactly.


I don’t get this when I run a test, but I can’t be sure I wasn’t before I made the above changes. Now I get a proper public IP.

Port Forwarding generally does the trick if you can’t host a game properly and the firewall is off already.

Can you help me whit this? Or can you give me a link with instructions? :slight_smile:

It’s dependent on your router and the admin software they provide. I would suggest looking at your manual or Google your router model and port forwarding.

Ok, Port Forwarding is not working for this, my IP hosting games is still… Another thing, I noticed that the game takes the Broadcast Address ( which is assigned by the modem DHCP) as my modem Public Reported IP which obviusly it is not the same as my Public IP.

The only workaround that I see viable is to switch off my modems DHCP and set a Static IP, but I don’t know how to properly do this because I have no idea which IP and Gateway should I set.

My modem is a VDSL Arcadyan model VR9517VAC22-A-OS-AM
My modem IP (Gateway) is
Broadcast Address:

Sorry for my bad english and thanks for any help.

Do you have it resolved or not?? because i have the same problem, my isp closed this option and still dont know why. i use a vpn for most game it does work but for this it doesnt, i hope it worked out for u though!