Item goes missing during game

i had the item Black Grimoire of Og’Napesh and it just disappeared while i was grinding. my weapon also went missing

Unbind weapon swap key in controls settings and never, ever use it again.

hi, thank you for your prompt reply. i’m very new to this game; could you please teach me?

thank you

You used weapon swap - this means you’re using a second set of weapons, which in your case is empty because you never used it before.

See your keybindings and find “switch weapons” and unbind it completely, or bind a key you won’t ever reach by accident.

You can always swap weapons through your inventory by pressing a button next to your character’s head armor slot. Which you already did at least once because it’s required to activate the swap manually to be able to use weapon swap key (which is “W” by default, if I remember correctly).