Item names on the ground

Hello everyone! ^^/

I have a suggestion or some feedback if you will.

When items drop on the ground in GD it can be very hard to see and click whatever else is on the screen at the time because the item names pile up so hard, taking up so much space on the screen. This is especially true if one has auto-showing loot on Green+ or Yellow+. Additionally, when an item drops on the ground it can be very hard to see from the name of the item what kind of item it is. There’s already a lot of different base items in the game: Figuring out which items go to which body parts/slots by heart is hard enough but it gets (in my personal experience) near impossible to tell weather any given item drop is relevant for your character when all the prefixes and suffixes are in the name of the item when it’s on the ground, especially if you want the gameplay to be fast and smooth. Even monster infrequents can be hard to spot. As a result I find myself ignoring green items all the time which is too bad considering that they can be some of the most powerful and fun items in the game. Also, if you ignore green items you just don’t get a whole lot of loot in general.

The suggestion I have is to make it so, or make it an option, that only the base item names are shown on the ground (and that the full names are still shown at all other times). This would solve all the problems above and make for a better loot experience, I think.

Here is a common example. Three greens on the ground and #1 I can’t touch the five archers that are standing on me and #2 I can’t see if the items are relevant for me because it’s too much text. Now imagine if this picture just had “Sabatons”, “Sabatons” and “Conqueror” on it. I could actually click the enemies and also the player would quickly learn which items go where and what is especially valuable for any given character.

Thanks for reading, I hope everyone and especially you guys at Crate take the suggestion seriously! :slight_smile: Peace.

Edit: Seems that people are thinking that I am criticizing the game or that the solution is already in the game. I am not criticizing the game. This is just a suggestion… it could just be a little check box in the options menu that turns pre- and suffixes on the ground on and off. Please chill and stop telling me that you don’t like the idea and that you know what is best for me and what I want. I’m not trying to take anything away from anybody.

You do know you can turn the item filter off completely yes? That way you won’t see anything during a fight.

Thank you, yes I know and I know you can press a key to show loot and I do use it all the time but I still don’t feel like that solves the issue… at all, in fact.

Are you playing a mod or something? Because none of those item names appear in the grimtools database.

Nope. No mods.
I think it’s in the database but you have to mark “common” (white) items?

Even more reason to have the full name - what if you’re playing a character who deals fire and vitality damage? Just seeing Conqueror isn’t going to tell you whether it’s right for you or not.

Are you joking? This was a suggestion for an OPTION that could be added to the game. Don’t start telling me what I want. This conversation is over.

It is a better solution than what you are proposing. Having smaller text still means that you can have difficulties targeting the mobs, it just makes it less likely. Hiding the text completely ensures that there is no problem.

99% of the time I have no issue with the text, the 1% of the time, I change the loot filter so the text no longer shows and set it back once the fight is over.

So you didn’t read the post but still felt yourself qualified to criticize the suggestion? Lovely. Then let me repeat.

"Additionally, when an item drops on the ground it can be very hard to see from the name of the item what kind of item it is. There’s already a lot of different base items in the game: Figuring out which items go to which body parts/slots by heart is hard enough but it gets (in my personal experience) near impossible to tell weather any given item drop is relevant for your character when all the prefixes and suffixes are in the name of the item when it’s on the ground, especially if you want the gameplay to be fast and smooth. Even monster infrequents can be hard to spot. "

It’s not just about less text for the sake of hitting things. Also, what I am proposing doesn’t take anything away from anyone. I AM PROPOSING A LITTLE CHECKBOX IN THE OPTIONS MENU WHERE YOU CAN CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF IF YOU WANT IT OR NOT.

no need to repeat your post, I read it. You saw what I think of it in my reply.

Alright, my bad.

The thing with any new feature is that it needs to provide a value to the players to invest time in developing it. And both of the reasons you mention don’t really explain that value that you are seeing in this.

  1. You want to be able to target enemies hidden under the text.
    -> As others have said, temporarily hiding the item tooltips is a much better way to achieve that.
  2. You want to be able to judge if an item is relevant for your character.
    -> Removing the affixes is actually making it harder to judge the item. Sure, you might be able to recognize if that item is a mace or a pistol or boots, but what does that really tell you? The slot where the item goes and maybe if it’s your preferred weapon type. But when you see the affixes as well, you could already tell if the item provides offensive and defensive bonuses that match your character. Of course you have to know the affixes quite well if you want to do that, but removing them certainly wouldn’t achieve what you want, which is making it easier to judge the item without looking at its stats.

Edit: Also “Sabatons”, “Sabatons” and “Conquerer” are not even the base names of the items. It would be “Exalted Sabatons”, “Imperial Sabatons” and “Exalted Conqueror”

Alright, my bad.
I wanna clarify that I don’t think this is an issue or a problem with the game. I just wanted to share the idea.

Quite a freaking lot, actually.

Exactly. Tell me, do you know the names on all the affixes in the game and can your brain scan every relevant affix from every irrelevant affix on every character you play with a speed that doesn’t obstruct the flow of the gameplay? I sure can’t.

And that proves my point. Who even knows the base names of items in this game? I’ve played it for 400 hours and I still don’t know 25% of them.

I understand that you think the suggestion provides 0 value to the game. I don’t expect that Crate will ever do it, especially now that I realize everyone hates my idea. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

No worries. Just to clarify, the base name is not ‘Conqueror’ or ‘Sabatons’ like you write but ‘Exalted Conqueror’ and ‘Imperial Sabatons’ (or ‘Exalted Sabatons’), so removing the prefix and suffix does not make the item name as short as you think.

Yeah thanks. Someone else (NeoDobbz) pointed that out to me as well.

I’m not telling you what you want, just giving an example as part of my feedback. If you just see Conqueror you know it’s a sword, but can’t tell if it’s a good sword for your character or not.

And no need to get defensive. You gave a suggestion which the devs will see btw and others have replied. They may not agree with you, but their views are as valid as yours.

Personally, having played Titan Quest Immortal Throne for many years I find it really annoying that MIs (Monster Infrequents) do exactly what you suggest. If I have a Sabertooth drop, that’s all the game tells me. Even if I equip it I don’t get to know the prefixes and suffixes. I can only guess what they are by the stats on the sabertooth itself. Only if I look at it in TQVault will I see it’s a Burning Sabertooth of Frost for example. I know you’re not suggesting they be hidden all the time, but it’s something I find irritating. I’d love the option to be able to turn them on in that game, but sadly it doesn’t exist.

Yeah but the thing is right now I don’t feel like I can see anything at all. I just wanna know that it’s a sword and then I’ll check it out in my inventory or hover my mouse over it on the ground. That was the thought anyway.

Sorry, I like the game so much that I can get a bit too passionate about it.

try this mod

Don’t we all. :smiley: