Hi! my name is… well you see… I like aRPG games. A lot. I like pancakes too. And japanese girls. But that’s another me. I moved here, from titanquest.net forums. I wanted to copypaste the intro thread from there, but it was too pathetic imo. I am 4987354987. And I will spread to all forums in the world too… I like the games you guys made (well “game”, Titan Quest is an addiction for 2.5 years already) and I wait for your new wonder. I think I will even buy it. So… good luck guys with your work. And please don’t take my name as a spambot. I could actually become one. and don’t pay attention to some writing errors
Nice to see ya, and who really needs proper english.
Well, he is Romanian. And eccentric. So cheers! Hey 498! welcome!
heeey what’s your nickname on tqnet forums?
And I am not excentric. Only rich people are called excentric. “Not rich” people are called simply insane, or mad. And I am not rich people.
I would say that your avatar properly presents insane nicely.
I am not rich people either! It sucks not being a wealthy collective =[ My favorite type of ‘madness’ is ‘mad with power’. I’d recommend it to anyone with power. Anyways, I’m new here and I’m going to typo your name a few hundred times.
LOL eccentric, well that’s anything that’s off norm, perhaps, maybe.
Unicycle is eccentric. GOOD at unicycle is next to cleanliness (next to … etc), I suggest learning to Unicycle.
I just shamelessly bumped my own useless thread. Thanks.