Join us for a Livestream on November 25th!

Ever since we revealed the Berserker mastery, we know you have been eager to see it in action.

On November 25th at 1pm EST (6pm GMT), you will have an opportunity to do exactly that.

Join us for a livestream with RektbyProtoss, one of the modders behind the Grim Dawn Community League project, as they take the new Berserker mastery, and its ferocious wereforms, for a spin!


Already put in my calendar with the outmost importance :grin:.


It’s tomorrow boys


It’s already the 25th here. Where stream?

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Zantai explained everything above :upside_down_face:.


5am, Tuesday 26th November AEST.

Guess I’ll watch the vod after work :smiley:

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World Time Buddy is also good for appointments.

Fun stuff! I hope I can rewatch it as I had to miss the first part.

Thanks for the stream! I’m happy to say berseker has exactly the things I hoped it would have.

Thx for all the news.

If you missed our livestream today, you can catch up on the full VoD at RektbyProtoss’s channel:

We covered much of what makes the Berserker mastery tick, and more!


Great stream. I will rewach it tomorrow. I have some parts where I wasn’t pay so much attention. I want that raven transformation. Cool skill tree. I think it will synergize with nightblade both having cold dmg. Arcanist could work. I want to try with necromancer tho, with pet. Werewolf with pets will be fun. Let’sgo hunt boyz in 2025.

Lots of thanks for Zantai and RektbyProtoss spending the time to do the stream today!

Unfortunately I was only able to watch for a short while, but will happily watch it in full over the next few days. (God willing!)

Great fun stream today, learned lots, loved almost all of it. Berzerker looks like it could be pretty neato :slight_smile:


OK I am hoping I understood what was being said here:

Shattered realm shrinkage down to 30-something core shards is probably a good call.
Having waystones every 2(3?) levels is also good.
Dropping the recipe for the waystone at the level you have just completed, rather than the next shard is NOT good.

If you do this, the most efficient way through the shattered realm is still to burn through all 30 shards in one sitting which is skin-peelingly tedious and negates one of the benefits that the waystones are intended to provide: that “they save your progress” which is… only kind of true. They save most of your progress.

If you put $100 in your bank account one day, and then a week later you go in and say “Hi I’d like to withdraw my $100” and they give you $90, you’re not going to be happy with the teller saying to you “What’s your problem? I gave you most of your money. You’re just being unreasonable”.

So anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, with this design a player is going to feel forced into making a choice that they do not want to make because whichever option they pick: grind in 1 sitting or repeat shards in multiple sessions - it feels like they’re being punished FOR NO REASON. This will just make players resent SR. Again.

I don’t know much in this crazy crazy world, but making some (any) of your playerbase resent the content you’re creating seems like, at least, “questionable” design to me, especially when the solution seems kind of obvious. If I deposit $100 I want $100 available to withdraw. If I deposited 10 completed shards, I don’t want to re-start at the end of shard 9 as punishment for needing to take a break to wax the car, or paint the fence, or sand the floor, or accidentally learn karate or whatever.

This is quite a whine given it was 4 minutes of a slightly raised eyebrow, out of an otherwise excellent 2 hours of info that made me a very happy player. FOA is gonna be great. <3

Regarding SR, could somebody explain how would work the new SR and how many levels (shards, chunks per shard) would be. And moreover, at what level I can buy all pieces of the armor being said the SR30 would be equivalent to SR75(regarding power level as i understand). I actually struggle at the second boss second form in SR30 Ultimate so I can’t buy the medal for SR SET.

And by my understanding would be every shard a save point.
But as is said before is redutant to redone the same shard if you Wan to progress. Personal I don’t mind on lower shards but in high difficulty shards or time consuming shards(2 3 min per shard) wouldn’t be desirable to repeat a shard, even I tend to repeat it.

As I said before. The mastery is great. I am waiting for it. And for what FoA has in Stash for us.

Thanks for the stream! Master looks cool, the only thing i don’t like is the Wereraven: i believe it should be flying over the Cairn (like C’thon from the Loyalist pack), not walk it on legs like an oversized chicken. Thoughts?

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Really enjoyed the stream!
looking forward to the new content!

Great stream, still finishing, but just had to post because the news about stash improvements is almost my favourite thing mentioned. Would be awesome if the dedicated components etc tab worked out :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

Really looking forward to trying out the new build combos, Berserker seems quite flexible, but Reaver will definitely be my first stop, followed by some chaos fun with Primalist.


Crate = GOAT :goat: :goat: :goat: