Just a kindly reminder to CRATE: 99% of players would prefer to be able to CHOOSE a map in Crucible

It’s been said million and million of times. We all appreciate all those different and (sometimes) beautiful maps you have made for players who like to play Crucible. We appreciate diversity, etc. But most of the times you want one particular map that suits your build the best. Fishing for it through randomly creating game after game is really really annoying.

I am not going to play Crucible of the Grove. Just won’t. Or Crucible of the Void. First one is ugly, got little space and got no arcs to hide from Alex’s Meteor. Second one makes my eyes bleed after like 10 minutes plus it’s impossible to see what’s going with that crimson red background. So I never play those maps. And I doubt more than 1% of players do.

Then, Crucible of Sands. Great map for melee builds. A lot of kiting routes. A lot of places where you can “hide” and isolate 1on1 fights. Great map for dot builds. But I won’t play it with my Trozan Sky Shard/Phantasmal blades spellbreaker or any Phantasmal Blades/Devastation builds. Because abundance of columns blocks most of my spells, I simply do much less damage with those builds.

Then, Crucible of Deeps and of Sands. Great maps. For tough builds who do massive aoe and need less kiting. But for some of the more fragile melee builds, I would prefer Crucible of Legion where I can have longer 1on1 fights with dangerous Nemeses on later waves.

So why can’t we just choose a map for god’s sake? What kind of artificial annoying dificulty is that silly random map creation. What is it supposed to do other than make players annoyed and irritated? Because literally 99.9% of players recreate a game untill they get a map the need. So instead of playing your beautiful game, Crate, I am forced to play a game of dice with main menu and crucible map pool.






I’ll just say IDGAF because I actually don’t mind any maps in Crucible. I also play it like once every fifty yea… fifty thousand years and if I somehow feel like I don’t want a particular map, I just restart and IDGAF again. :stuck_out_tongue:

In general, this would be actually nice, but Crate most likely will not do anything like that because some maps are easier to play on and some harder - it’s still avoidable, but it may bore you and you’ll eventually play on the map you don’t mind. Or you just get the map you want.

How hard is it to implement such “new UI”?

Zantai said recently that making it so you could see the mutators before you started playing would require major changes to the UI so I’m thinking a lot. Like a completely new one maybe.

I don’t know anything about making games, but it feels like it’s one thing to predict mutators that are going to randomly appear in an already created game and another thing to add few options to the menu like we have when we press “Main Campaign” when choosing different difficulty.

And random mutators feels like a fair bump in dificulty. Random maps feels like an annoyingly bad design.

Just to mention that you DON’T speak for 99% of players, you are speaking for yourself, while others may agree with you, trying to claim that you know what 99% of other players want is a complete falsehood.

Also what may seem an easy thing to do isn’t always the case especially when programming and as Crate are a very small team, making ANY changes means that something else (as in the current expansion) has to be delayed because there’s only so much any one person can do at once.

I agree with mad_lee.

If the developement team thinks that it is not worth the effort to implement what mad_lee wants, I am fine with that.

But an official statement would be nice, non?


So you just HAD to state the obvious? :rolleyes:

Dude, seriously? You don’t think that 99% of players that play Crucible would’ve loved to be able to choose a map? That this statement is a complete falsehood? Do you have to be a devil’s advocate here?

This can’t be a complete falsehood, moreover, it’s something that is totally obvious to anyone who plays Crucible. Or do I have to go and ask thousands of players personally?

Regarding how hard this particular change is, I would love Zantai or someone else from Crate say it, like “to implement a map choice in main menu we will have to spend x amount of manpower/hours, so with current work load it’s impossible” or “because of how game engine works it would be totally impossible to do that” or “We fired Kevin, who did all kind of dirty work like designing and imporving UI, because he suggested buffs to Defiler instead of buffs to Inquisitor, and now there is no man who could do such job”.

Can we have at least that, a short statement from Crate that explains this particular issue?

UI design in TQ/GD is notoriously awful, as one will quickly learn with just a few attempts to work with it via the mod tools, or peering at the copious volumes of UI-based template files. All UI elements (other than text fields) are seemingly hardcoded deep in the engine with little to no customizability, meaning every button/window/tab/etc. is coded from scratch, more or less, barring a standardized copy/paste framework, and a link between the programmer-level and designer-level (where Zantai is) also needs to be programmed for each type of UI element as well. Only after all of that can Zantai start setting the fonts up, put it on a particular X/Y coordinate of the screen, and maybe link some graphics to it, made by one of the team’s artists.

Not impossible by any stretch of the imagination, but fucking annoying and time consuming.

Also, now playing a bit of Crucible nowadays with some friends, gotta be honest - I really just don’t give a shit about the arena. Sure, some are faster than others, but I simply don’t bother with hopping to main menu over and over to get just the right one.

That’s a more informative response (before your own experience part). I don’t care about Crucible map when I am in multiplayer either, because it’s a melting pot with more than one fully equipped player anyway. But it’s a singleplayer game.

Now if someone official just drops by, maybe we will get an option to choose maps in Crucible! Or a good explanation on why and how it is impossible at the moment.

I agree with OP: such an option to choose the Crucible map would really be a welcomed addition! Fishing for your favourite/adequate map is not fun.

I would say Ceno’s explanation on why and how covers it. The devs have a new expansion to get out so trying to rewrite the UI for the Crucible isn’t on their horizon for the foreseeable future. Whether they may try and do something with it or not once the expansion has been released I don’t know.

I rarely play the crucible, but would agree that an option to choose a map would be nice.

Perhaps Crate designed it this way to make players cope with different layouts, thereby further increasing the “random-challengeness” of it?

Yes, I do agree but they could at least put it on their to-do list.

Where is Simmon???:p:p:p

I live in Crucible last 9 months. It’s my sort of entertainment kinda.
Do you imagine how annoying is fishing for particular map to test the new toon? Yeah, that’s it.
After all I came to the point where IDGAF about maps and test my toons on random maps, but still, I always restart the Cruci if caught a Void or Legion map.

Would it be difficult to add a main area where you spawn when you start crucible. That main area would be connected to all the already existing maps. Once you or a teammate choose one all other doors are closed so everybody play the same map.
Well I never used the world editor so it might be a lot a trouble too.

Folks see this link.

For those who are not familiar with >>>GrimInternals<<< : It is NOT a mod, so you can use it with any preexisting charcter. It has many features, it can be configured to your liking and has, as of now a Crucible Map Selection feature.
Which is nice. :cool: