Here is the guy ;
dying often even though I farmed a lot for this gear. I almost finished ultimate difficulty but I’m having a bit of trouble. What am I doing wrong ?
I’m using cooldown spells with hourglass and I though it was a clever idea XD.
Here is the guy ;
dying often even though I farmed a lot for this gear. I almost finished ultimate difficulty but I’m having a bit of trouble. What am I doing wrong ?
I’m using cooldown spells with hourglass and I though it was a clever idea XD.
Prio nr1:
Get all of these to 80+ (except physical). Usually you get a decent amount from your equipment and you can cover the rest with components and augments. The components require blueprints, so you might not have everything yet? The augments require good relations with the various factions. Easiest way to raise the relations is via quests and bounties.
For physical it’s a combination of the % resist, the armor values and the armor absorp. You want the absorp to 100% (or nearly). Easiest is with two scaled hide components and then one high level one.
That should help with most of the dying. However you also need some way to regain health. I see you have a bit of health regen, but not enough to survive. You can either go full on regen or find some attack damage converted to health (adcth/life steal). Currently you have 0. Note however that life steal only works for attacks with weapon damage, so devastation won’t have any life steal. Chain lightning will (but only 70%).
I’m not sure what’s best in this case. Maybe health regen, but I haven’t figured out myself how to best get it to a good level I’m sure someone else can help you here.
switch reckless power to harbinger of death in necro, will grant you buttload of lifesteal at minimal dmg loss
then you should slap components on everything, cover res, get bit of armour absorb
use more augments to cover res too
example Spellbinder, Level 87 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Unsure if aware, but you can’t upgrade lower level set items to higher level set items, so your Clairvoyant set and Aldric sceptre wont “transfer” to the lvl 94 versions (just in case/so you wont get disappointed later)
*as a note it doesnt’ seem like you have Ulo devo assigned to any skill, whcih means it wont gain XP and you cant’ trigger it.
Might also be a bit redundant as Spellbinder with Nulli, but that’s a personal choice
If you own forgotten gods expansion i’d recommend you get yourself a movement rune so you get an additional “move butt out of fire” button (if you don’t mind an extra button)
At level 90, assuming you’re Exalted, you can shift ex shoulders to Coven faction shoulders
**edit, i just realized you don’t have Reap Spirit, i’d kinda recommend you take it when doing devastation, it’s gonna give you like a cooldown “Heal” via lifesteal through its weapon dmg when you have Harbinger buff etc
with enough dmg it can basically heal you full each attack
***also reassigned you giant’s blood devo to Arcane Will so it might be saved for slightly better use activation
This helped me a lot.
You just made my character way tankier and dps seem to have doubled.
Thank you kind sir.
forgot to mention, you could see in GT your Devastation was red and at 28, means it’s 2pts over maxed, so if you haven’t done yet you can remove 2 and invest elsewhere at spirit guide