Just v1.2.1 things


and here I am, having just given up on trying to make Runebinder Deceiver work for me in the endgame

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I haven’t used Inquisitor Runes enough (>>>>>arming time) to have the slightest clue what I’m looking at.

But neat.


You mean full Runebinder will have a granted skill which is a lightning rune? Kinda cool I guess, but consider adding % DoT damage on set pieces and bonus.


…looking at my Runebinder Deceiver… Where should I put another skill on my hotbar? :thinking:

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Looks amazing!

I have to agree that a 1second arming time instead of 1.5 second arming time feels a lot snappier in gameplay imo.

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We’re looking at the third lightning rune at the very least.

I might have to postpone my chaos deceiver to see how this goes. Maybe she’ll go trielemental after all…

can we also be looking at core RoH buff please? pretty please with cherry on top? i can’t with this skill

Cool. Wonder if the lightning rune will trigger a lightning strike? Or stun jacks orbs?

Also, please consider lowering the arming time (maybe with items or skill?). It would be such a huge quality of life fix.

I won’t say no to an arming time reduction either


Very impressive, looks exciting!

3rd rune as 5-piece bonus instead of Runic Bolts?

I’m in the same boat of having mistimed and being often times too zerged to ever fully take advantage of or appreicate Inquisitor runes. I’m either plowing through enemies and can’t bother waiting for runes to be appreciated, or kiting something and trying my best not to pull anything as I do it. In either instance runes aren’t a go-to strategy for me, since they’re stationary, and I am never stationary.

Anybody help me what are we looking here? Never used traps (don’t like them in ARPGs). Inquisitor Seal looks bigger, maybe a quality of life update (cast on feet + instant cast please) ?

Armtime in general makes runes an inferior skill to anything else in the game. So they should compensate for that with something - and no, stacking runes isn’t a fun strategy in endgame or ever.

RoK does deliver the bang you’d expect from delayed explosive. It has good AOE coverage, I’m 90% sure it shotguns properly with its projectiles, and it has an immediate effect from second node that, while not massive, makes the skill generally more fun and solves the issue of trash running past it too fast.

RoH doesn’t. It has crowd control, but it’s delayed and therefore almost worthless. Not to mention that against hordes freeze is generally more resisted hard CC than stun, curtesy of hero mobs combos. Its spread is ass. It has a dedicated anti-shotgun mechanic where in the center its beams deal less damage - which, if memory serves, was introduced as nerf to the skill at some point. Its individual beam damage is ass. The only thing of value on it is DA debuff - but due to the armtime it’s a strong contender for the worst DA debuff in the game. Compare the application to Blitz or Judgement and cry in despair.

You’re looking at a developer from Crate Entertainment: Zantai, teasing a picture of runes for the upcoming patch “1.2.1”

But really, it looks like Runebinder set will get a lightning rune as an active skill.

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Oh look, one more rune, @kidpid 's favorite skill in the game. :scorv:

A few things:

Pic looks awesome. Keeping the set as is but adding another rune sounds great.

As for the other comments…more specifically around arming time:

The arming time, I found as the biggest issue, is those situations where you are forced to run a lot because of over pulls in SR. Because of having to withdraw so quickly, a lot of times the rune ends up just outside of range when arm time ends…the energy required to pilot in a way to make the runes stick isn’t worth the damage output at times, unless you can facetank what’s coming.

In the current environment, I find RoK to be more useful because of the initial explosion.

Can the runes be made to attach to mobs? Then arming time won’t be so bad and if the mob dies before detonation, can the rune reattach to a live target?

Lastly, any news on when testing for this patch is coming?

Stacking runes around totems is fun while leveling :stuck_out_tongue:

and on bosses too like Cronley :grin:

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Cronley Veteran WR

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