Kaisan farming route?

Anyone know of a post about this?

I was searching and I see some posts about 100 kaisan runs, etc etc… but not a route.

It’s not REALLY necessary since I am just looking at grim tools map, but was surprised to not find a post bout doing it more efficiently. :smiley:

Edit: I had never specifically farmed him before… and holy crap there are a lot of spawns… lol

It could be a lot worse, he could be spawning in the Tomb of the Heretic if Zantai wanted it. :scorv:

Yeah, and I suppose now that I’ve done it a few times, it seems pretty straight forward really… just a few out of the way areas that he can spawn.

Edit: Man, I can’t get over how much I love the big warning of a Nemesis spawn flashing up on my screen, lol.

Full check: (in order)
Astral field - 2 spawn points here, can easily check under 30s
Infernal Waste rift then go back to the large field- 4 spawn points → rift again, check Tomb of Sethan - 2
Korvan city - 4 (just go half map and you can check the whole map for him) → to rift and go back → Tomb of Nephos → Tomb of Ariath
Ruins of abyss → Temple of Ateph - 4
Tomb of Eldritch sun - 4
Sunward spire ( I often ignore this location, too much effort, not worth)

Quick check: Astral field - Inferal waste - Korvan city then relog.

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it’s not as bad as it seems, he’s actually one of the better nemesis
just be glad you’re not trying to farm Benji or Valde directly, now those are bad :grin:

step 1, portal to ruins of Abyd, quick check outside spot, then run in the tomb, go through kill boss on final floor in tomb

portal to infernal wastes checking his 3 spots south of that, kill doggo boss and check for the Treasure trove too (spawning in 1 of 3 spots)

portal back to infernal waste spot, run north, check if totem is there (should be able to see it without actually taking left “fork”) - run into Tomb of Sethan and through it, killing Sister Crimson on the way ofc

^exiting the other side of Tomb of Sethan, running north to Scorpion tomb - inside and kill Scorpion boss (bonk totem on the way if spawned)

portal to Korvan City, - (check pink star if he shows on the map slightly north)
run south to check his spot, maybe totem, then inside Tomb of Nephos - grab Treasure Trove inside while there

portal to Eldritch Gate (Korvaak portal) run through the Astral Fields, kill Korvaak

portal to tomb of the Eldritch Sun, go through floor 1+2, kill Brother Segarius on the way + finish killing Kymon,

remember Treasure Trove on floor 2

final leg, portal back to Korvan City rift
run to purple star - should be able to see on map if Kaisan is spawned in the point with Dravis; if so run there and kill Dravis+Steward
if not, run to pink star, if he didn’t spawn on the way you now know he spawned inside Sunward Spire, run in there, finish killing Sunherald + reset

(grab treasure trove + totem on the way, possibly consider the side trip to Messenger if you don’t have Okaloth Helm yet/want Eldritch Essence or a Messenger Repeater build)

PS. this might seem like a “long” route, clearing everything on the way + checking all his spots, but it doesn’t actually take that long, and results in a sht ton of loot due to the amount of bosses and treasure troves or potential totems on the path


Thanks, this is amazing. Also, yeah… after getting going on it for a bit, it’s not really that bad.

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ye he’s rather nice, specially because everything is so “neatly lined up” even if he isn’t in XY spot, you get some bosses and troves, and then can save the long/annoying sunward spire spot for last even with how easy to the others are to check

looks like i was a bit brief with the “go through X tomb” sections
reason you go through them is because he does have a spawn point in the mentioned tombs,
i just figured it wasnt necessary for a pic+“a straight line drawn”, since those tombs are so small/simple :sweat_smile:

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Haha, everything you provided is pretty above and beyond. I seem to be finding him pretty fast most the time now.

Now getting an actual good amulet might be another story… lol. Well, I’ve seen a few good ones already, just not what I need.

Speaking of which, and this is something I’ve never been sure on. When loot drops is it encouraged AT ALL to roll with your class in mind? I didn’t think it was, although sometimes things APPEAR to be that way, but I always assumed that was because I use loot filters according to what I want, etc.

But I am trying to make a character (battlemage) that uses almost ALL greens, and it’s actually turning out pretty decent. Since I have most sets at this point, or at least partial of them and can transmute, etc… farming greens is kind of ‘fun’ in terms of actually creating a character. Anyway, point was that since I have been farming specific MI’s over and over to get what I want - I swear I’ve noticed that they more often drop with something somewhat geared toward my character. Although that may also just be because I am physical damage, a soldier… so that is probably more common in itself. I’m rambling now, but was just curious about that and you seem to be super knowledgeable about the game.


Edit: I now have over 110 Aetherscorched Cleavers in my GD stash, lol. I just save them all to see how many I’ve farmed. I finally settled on 2x Relentless of Alacrity. I was hoping for one Barbaric of Alacrity and just never saw it drop. Maybe I’ll farm it some more later if I really like the character. I did see 3x Barbaric of Celerity drop though… ugh, lol