Kill Avatar Tactical Physical Gunner on the Two Pistols

Hello everyone! I want to share a video of the killing of Mogdrogen on the Ultimate. In build are used only Legendary items without use Rare items.

Dear moderators, please correct the word Arrows on Gunner in the cap threads )))

Those arrows better be physical!

Kill Avatar Tacticial physical arrows on the two pistols

This is looks like an order from Aliexpress;)
Still it’s nice to see you here, Archangel.

Chef, hello ))))

Can you add this build to the compendium? If anything, the design will do ))

The current maintainer of the Build Compendium VIII is currently offline for a long time. The community is waiting him back

Couldn’t we get a mod to get someone more access to that thread, like you or mad_lee? It is one of the most important threads on the forum if you ask me

If there was a possibility to share the rights, I would be happy to maintain the compendium while sir spanksalot is offline.
At least we can discuss this

No idea if that’s possible. You’d need to talk to jiaco and/or eisprinzessin to find out how they gave sir spankslot access. Might be he just copied all the builds and put them into a new thread, I can’t remember. :undecided:

Sure, I’ll start the conversation when I’m home. Thanks medea :slight_smile: