So it’s possible to make a quest with objective to kill a specific monster by linking the exact dbr file reference or some type of monsters by linking all the possible dbr files of all these creatures.At least that what I saw in the existing quests files.
However will it be possible to make a quest Kill X monsters where "monsterClassification = Hero ", without linking all the existing Dbr.
This way it will be compatible with all other mods as long as the creatures records entry monsterClassification is filled.
Also I fear that if I need to link all possible Hero monsers existing in the Quest file (if it’s possible to make as many dbrs references) the game might slow down.
We did similar stuff in Underlord when Munderbunny wanted to make his mythic recipes. You need to extract out all the dbr names and put them into a big list for the requirement field. It may seem like an ineffective way to do it, but I do not think it slows things down and we generated some very long lists of items that could be used to craft mythics with.
I guess pretty soon you will be able to test it. But I know this way works and cannot imagine, within the confines of the TQ system, how it could work the way you propose (using monsterClassification).
But Munder was unwilling to manually enter all these dbr names into the recipe fields, which is why he used to me to program a way to extract them all and assemble it into a copy/paste ready format. Essentially, you make a program that scans all the monster dbrs, checks the monsterClassification, if Hero, concat into a vector the name of that dbr.
But you are right about things breaking when other Heroes are added. Maybe LUA in GD will change this, I have no idea yet.
Hi Jiaco, thanks for your answer.
Well if it doesn’t slow the game I will do this but it won’t be compatible with other modded creatures, that’s a shame.
I really enjoyed what you did with TQ modding, and I hope we will also be able to make a list of possible reagents and possible different prefix /suffix names for crafting recipes because the crafting system changed.
I don’t know if there is at least one recipe in GD that allows multiple items for one reagent because there is now a picture of the needed reagents.So the dev must have changed the way the crafting system search for a reagent.
I mean what picture the crafting system will show if there is different possible items for one reagent ?
I hope it still works.
Also I understand it did not slow down the game for crafting recipe in TQ but the Quest must trigger a verification check each time you kill a creature to see if it is in the list so it might be different, I don’t know.
Finally there is an Achievement Legendary Slayer :" Eradicate 1000 Heroic Monsters" so the game must already been recording each time you slay a Hero Monster for achievement but I don’t know if this function will be available through Quest system.
Not sure if we get access to achievements at all in modding, but I assume this is a counter stored in the player save data. If LUA controls what increments this counter and can be appropriated by the quest system, then you are maybe going to get what you want.
There is so much stuff new in GD, I guess it is dangerous to think too much in terms of TQ. Factions and Bounties for example, something is counting your kills by not only monsterClassification but also the field for faction type. Bounties have access to faction standing, and are as quest-like as can be, so on further reflection, I suspect you might be able to do what you originally proposed.
I believe we will be able to use some form of modding achievements.
For example we can change the number of heroes (statCount) for unlocking an achievement or change the creatures dbr (“killDbrs” entry) to kill in another.
However I don’t know if it will be possible to use the statName “ENEMY_HEROES_KILLED” for a quest or through Lua.
For example if available through Lua I could give a token to the player when statcount has reached a threshold and then use this token for a quest.
But I only want to count the heroes killed in Ultimate Difficulty which makes this counter useless for me.