KISS the icon system

what is the current logic behind the UI icons? I’m having trouble learning and remembering all the buff and debuff ones, especially the stage modifiers. Most the time I have no clue what’s what. I can’t hover over the icons either. As physical limitations make using a mouse and keyboard difficult. I currently use a controller as much as possible when using my PC

I was thinking of one where each resist type was given a separate icon. That was used for both the resist and the damage it mitigated. Displayed along with their corresponding entries. If not straight up replacing them. Say lightning showing a bolt. Instead of the text “Lightning Damage” and “Lightning Resist”. With the bolt incased in a half shield if it resist it, a full shield if it absorbs it, and a sword of it increases it. With the icon placement indicating wether it’s a buff or a debuff. Such as how player buffs are on the lower left of the screen, and there debuffs on lower right. Possibly with numbers indicating the current change

This would also go far to making the game systems easier to understand in game. Such as seeing a enemy aura decreasing specific damage types. Or what specific stats your debuffs are targeting

Hope I explained this well. Thank you for your time and consideration

i legit dont’ think that’s even (remotely) the design or expectation
simply because a single debuff icon can cover multiple effects, which we won’t be aware of unless knowing the exact attack we used/enemy used on us.
The reason i think that, aside from effect overlaps etc, is even if you do mouse over, it wont actually tell you directly what the debuff does let alone if it has multiple effects.
*Unsure if that design is “intentional” to keep things somewhat vague, if it’s a limitation of the system or tooltips, or part of both and devs thought it wouldn’t have high degree of significance.

currently the icon is applied as per effect applied, ie you have ex a RR icon there “because RR was applied” - that’s the debuff
i think, not trying to speak for the devs, asking to calc display based on effective effect amount is a bit much. - and not really sure how it helps much of any more/less than what we currently have.
As direct example, enemy has 100 lightning res, i slap on my RR; i get a RR icon.
changed, enemy has 100 lightning res, i slap on RR; i get a lightning bolt half shield.
what’s the difference conveyed to me there?
Enemy has 99 lightning resist (i wont know this amount without actually knowing the enemy) - i slap on my RR, whcih happens to be 98, enemy has 1 lightning res, i get Bolt half shield
Enemy has 98 resist, i slap on my same 98 RR, enemy has 0 res, i get Bolt no shield,
Enemy has 97 resis, ti slap on my same 98 RR, enemy has -1 resist, i get Bolt no shield,
What does it convey to me in terms of actual usefulness, and what does the debuff it do more that’s better/conveyed more that i can then use?
^do the same for negative 90 res etc
(basically the notion is it’s/the specific interaction for it is asking to rework something/make effort for the same/similar or negligible at best outcome)

to me, assuming we’re even supposed to deal with the finer details from debuffs/effect status, at its core it sounds like the desire/ask is just having the debuff tooltip available and be actually accurate/tell all the effects a single debuff can carry, and then have that available to controller play too.
(both which have been requested before too :sweat_smile:)
And if debuff icons are supposed to be either meaningful or useful to us, i think that’s pretty fair.


Only worry about memorizing the Phys reflected damage on your physical characters. :sweat_smile:


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